Page 183 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 183
Mission Statement
he City of Hurst implements plans that provide funds to maximize the
T quality of services while balancing revenue sources with cost of main-
tenance, operations, and debt.
Prior Year Results Future Initiatives
h Fiscal Services’ staff members participated in various Update the city’s financial policies as needed.
employee and organizational leadership development
activities. Continue to evaluate debt refunding opportu-
h Staff earned additional continuing professional educa- nities and additional debt needs to maintain
tion (CPE) hours to maintain their certifications. quality infrastructure throughout the city.
h GFOA’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Award Continue to monitor national, state and local
(33rd consecutive year).
h GFOA’s Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in financial conditions and report results to City
Financial Reporting (47th year). Management and City Council.
h Maintained credit rating with both Moody’s (Aa2) and Monitor and implement Government Account-
S&P (AA). ing Standards Board (GASB) updates.
h Received an unqualified (positive) audit opinion.
h Fully funded Actuarially Determined Contribution Fiscal Services staff will strive to provide great
(ADC) for retiree health care. customer service and pursue training opportu-
h Updated multi-year plans estimating future funding nities to maintain/update our skill sets.
and needs.
h Chase Bank procurement program put $37,554 in Continue participating in GFOA’s award pro-
rebates back into city coffers. grams.
h City’s tax collection contract with Tarrant County saves Seek additional staff certifications.
the city at least $50,000 per year. Continue to provide up-to-date municipal debt
h Engaged a consultant to perform an annual data
analysis of Accounts Payable and Human Resources information on the city’s website.
activity. Consider process improvement, cost saving and
h Refunded outstanding debt to take advantage of low revenue enhancement projects identified by
interest rates, resulting in net present value savings of staff, including upgrading our financial system
$1.4 million.
h Assisted the City Manager and Executive team man- to a newer version.
age the ongoing financial impacts of the Covid-19
pandemic, including applying for anticipated federal
stimulus funds