Page 488 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                      Financial/Economic Development

                                 Goal 2: Promote Organization Sustainability by Recruiting,
                                     Retaining, and Developing Outstanding Employees
                Objective 1: Foster and Maintain a Work and Learning Environment that is Inclusive, Welcoming, and Supportive
                         Project                   Performance Measure(s)          City Service Team (Department)
             Core  Organizational Succession   Phase I: Establish protocol and process for   Shared Services (Human Resources)
             FED   Planning                 succession plan.
             2.1.1                          Phase II: Implementation FY 2021

             Succession planning is one of the most important HR   Milestone          Estimated       Status
             strategic processes. It identifies key roles and mapping                 Completion
             out ways to ensure the city has the right people with   Identify key milestones   1  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             the right skills, capabilities, and experiences, in the   of the process
             right place at the right time. The FY 2020 plan was to   Assessments of HR   2  Qtr. FY 2021   In Progress
             establish and implement a city‐wide succession plan.   Employees for
             However, as the team worked through the process, it   Succession pipeline
             was determined that a city‐wide launch was not the   Launch Growth Wall   2  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             best rollout of the program as there were too many   Guided performance /   2  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             aspects of the process that needed to be established   coaching discussions
             before a city‐wide implementation.               document (field guide)
                                                              Selection of Succession   4  Qtr. FY 2021   Behind
             The Human Resources shifted from the original plan to   Candidates                    Schedule
             focus on establishing the process and implementation   Begin Succession   4  Qtr. FY 2021   Behind
             of a succession plan in the HR department first, to   activities / mentorship         Schedule
             allow the team the opportunity to work out all the   etc.
             nuances of the process.                          OD holds one‐on‐one   4  Qtr. FY 2021   Behind

                                                              Quarterly Check‐in on                Schedule
             In FY 2020, Human Resources established the protocol
                                                              IDPs for HR employees
             and process to implement and sustain an          Review of program     4  Qtr. FY 2021   In Progress
             Organizational Succession Plan for the City of   success:  Review and

             Nominations from self and leader have occurred. Not
             all responses have been collected, so analysis and
             evaluations / final selections cannot occur.

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