Page 491 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                      Financial/Economic Development

                                 Goal 2: Promote Organization Sustainability by Recruiting,
                                     Retaining, and Developing Outstanding Employees
                Objective 1: Foster and Maintain a Work and Learning Environment that is Inclusive, Welcoming, and Supportive
                         Project                   Performance Measure(s)          City Service Team (Department)
             Core   Human Rights Campaign                                      Shared Services (Communication and
             FED   Municipal Equality Index                                    Legislative Affairs)
                                                                     Milestone           Target Date    Status
             The Human Rights Campaign “Municipal Equality   Anti‐Bullying Language to   4  Qtr. FY 2021   100%
             Index (MEI) examines how inclusive municipal laws,   Parks and Recreation and
             policies, and services are of LGBTQ people who live   Arlington Public Library
             and work there.”                               City provides services     1  Qtr. FY 2022   100%
                                                            to/supports LGBTQ elders
             In 2009, the City received a final score of 58 out of   Present ISR to City Council   2  Qtr. FY 2021   100%
             100 points. The City strives to reach a HRC MEI score   about the HRC MEI
             of 100.                                        Weave the responsibilities of a  3  Qtr. FY 2021   100%
                                                            Human Rights Commission
             Update:                                        into an already existing
             As part of its commitment to LGBTQ wellness, the   standing committee
             City of Arlington is supporting the HELP Center, a   City provides services   1  Qtr. FY 2022   100%
             nonprofit LGBTQ health and wellness nonprofit   to/supports the Transgender
             organization based in Tarrant County with a location   community
             in downtown Arlington. City support of HELP includes   City adopts an anti‐  3  Qtr. FY 2021   100%
             waiving part of the permitting construction costs for   discrimination in employment
             the organization’s second Arlington facility, providing   and public accommodation
             concierge level service from multiple departments   ordinance
             during the construction phase of the project, and a                        rd
                                                            City adopts an anti‐       3  Qtr. FY 2021   100%
             $387,750 grant from the Arlington Tomorrow     discrimination in housing
             Foundation. HELP provides gender‐affirming care and   ordinance
             counseling to transgender residents, partnered with

             APD to provide LGBTQ cultural awareness training to
             academy cadets, and has provided a variety sexual
             health services to more than 100 senior citizens.

             As part of its charge, the Unity Council endeavors to
             eliminate inequality and other forms of
             discrimination and identify ways to support the
             needs of the LGBTQ community. The Unity Council
             encompasses the spirit of a Human Rights
             Commission by promoting inclusivity for LGBTQ
             residents with more targeted programming and
             messaging for this community. In the 1  quarter of FY
             2022, the Unity Council is slated to attend the grand
             opening of the new HELP facility, tour the facility, and
             host HELP’s CEO as guest speaker at an upcoming
             meeting of the Council.

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