Page 489 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Financial/Economic Development
Goal 2: Promote Organization Sustainability by Recruiting,
Retaining, and Developing Outstanding Employees
Objective 1: Foster and Maintain a Work and Learning Environment that is Inclusive, Welcoming, and Supportive
Project Performance Measure(s) City Service Team (Department)
Core Comprehensive Learning and Participant numbers Shared Services (Human Resources)
FED Development Program Participant feedback
Milestone Estimated Status
Organizational development is a key layer to Completion
different aspects of the Human Resources fabric. Supervisor Series 1 Qtr. FY 2021 Complete
The comprehensive view of employee training is Completion
broken into phases. In FY 2020, COVID‐19 Finalize the FY 2021 1 Qtr. FY 2021 Complete
interrupted the training plan because much of the Training Plan
Organizational Development team had to shift its Present New Learning 2 Qtr. FY 2021 Complete
focus on developing communication pieces for the Focus and Direction
pandemic. Implement/Deliver New 2 – 4 Qtr. FY In Progress
Learning Plan 2021
The Organizational Development team revisited Annual Sexual 3 /4 Qtr. FY 2021 Complete
the training plan and reworked the comprehensive Harassment Training
plan to align with the changes in the workplace, Annual Ethics Training 1 Qtr. FY 2022 In Progress
staffing levels, emerging needs, and changes in the Annual PII Training 2 Qtr. FY 2021 Complete
philosophy of how learning and development is AEEP Refresh and 1 Qtr. FY 2022 Launch
offered. Preview 11/10/2021
With the addition of our second OD Specialist, we
are now able to launch training material that had
been on hold. Compliance trainings are our
priority, soon to follow in Q1 are Leadership series
and developmental content.