Page 297 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 297


                                 FY2024-2025 WASTEWATER PROJECTS DISCUSSION

               ❖  Description: The 2019 Wastewater CIP will replace wastewater lines that were identified
                   in the Sewer System Evaluation Survey (SSES) in 2015.  These projects will include
                   Sanitary Sewer Line Replacements throughout the City that have a high amount of inflow
                   and  infiltration  and  need  to  be  replaced.    This  replaces  the  aging  clay  piping  with
                   Polyvinylchloride (PVC) piping in the older parts of the City.  The 2019 Wastewater CIP
                   and Certificates of Obligation proceeds will continue funding for these projects.  A Sewer
                   System Evaluation Survey (SSES) was completed in FY2018-2019 in another section of
                   the city to identify additional high priority projects.  Two separate projects will occur.  The
                   first one will rehabilitate wastewater lines along the following streets: Hickoryhill Road and
                   Oakhill Road from Whitley Road to Maplehill Road; Echo Hill Drive from Hightower Drive
                   to Chapman Road; and Quail Run from Herschel Drive to Highcrest Drive.  The second
                   project will rehabilitate wastewater lines along the following streets: Whispering Lane from
                   Wooddale Drive to Stardust Drive; Brookdale Drive from Hightower Drive to Ridgecrest
                   including Brookdale Court; Summit Ridge Drive from Rufe Snow Drive to Avalon Drive
                   including Summertime Lane; Oaklawn Drive from Mickey Drive to McCoy Drive; Village
                   Park Drive from Greendale Drive to Ridgetop Drive; and Watauga Road from Patsy Lane
                   to Morris Boulevard.  The project will also rehabilitate and repair various sanitary sewer
                   manholes throughout the city.

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