Page 299 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 299


                                 FY2024-2025 WATER PROJECTS DISCUSSION

               ❖  Description:   The 2019 Water CIP water line projects are planned for Lalagray Lane
                   from Watauga Road to Rosalyn Drive, MacNeal Trail from Stardust Drive South to Barry
                   Drive, and Rufe Snow Drive from Ridgetop Road to Hightower Drive. It is anticipated that
                   these projects will be underway in FY2025.

                   Justification: The aging water lines throughout the City are old and present frequent
                   maintenance  issues.  Systematic  replacement  will  reduce  maintenance  costs  and
                   customer problems.

                   Operating  Impact:  Savings  of  approximately  $15,000  annually  are  expected  in
                   decreased maintenance issues for the system after completion of this project.  The debt
                   service to cover the 2017 bond issuance began in FY2018 and the debt service for the
                   2019 debt issuance began in FY2020.

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