Page 294 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 294


               ❖  Description:  Whitley Road 5 Street Project, $4,873,000
                   The Whitley Road Street Project, Phases 1,2,3,4, and 5 encompass the area of Oakhill
                   to Starnes (1), Watauga to Chapman (2),
                   Chapman to Concord (3), Concord to Oakhill (4)
                   and Starnes to North Tarrant Parkway (5), which
                   is approximately 12,500 linear feet.  Whitley Road
                   is a thoroughfare listed on the Watauga Master
                   Thoroughfare Plan.   Whitley Road Phase 1-4
                   were completed in prior years. The improvements
                   in all phases include underground storm drains
                   and the rehabilitation or replacement of any water
                   lines and sanitary sewer lines under Whitley Road
                   as needed.

                   Justification:    Whitley    Road     is   a    major
                   thoroughfare  of  the  City.   The  existing  asphalt
                   pavement  is  deteriorating.    The  traffic  flow  on
                   Whitley  Road  will  improve  considerably  with  the
                   improvements to this road.

                   Operating Impact: This project began in FY2016-
                   2017 and has carried over through the years. The expected completion date for the final
                   phase is August 2025.  This street improvement will have little or no impact on operations.
                   These projects are funded through multiple Certificates of Obligation proceeds, Storm
                   Drain fees, and grants from Tarrant County.  The City was awarded $800,000 for Whitley
                   Road 4 construction and $3.197 million for Whitley Road 5 construction.

               ❖  Description:  Hightower Drive, Phase I, $8,022,000
                   This project includes a full concrete street reconstruction of Hightower Drive from Hwy
                   377 to Lyndale Drive, and asphalt mill and overlay of Hightower Drive from Lyndale Drive
                   to Rufe Snow Drive.   The project includes a center median, trail, and a shared use lane.
                   Engineering for the project began in FY2023 and construction is expected to begin during

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