Page 289 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
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                                     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
                                                   BUDGET SUMMARY
                                            FUND 05 - CAPITAL PROJECTS

            The Watauga Economic Development Construction fund accounts for construction projects in
            and for the Economic Development Corporation.

                                                     HISTORY                     PROJECTED YEAR      BUDGET
                                           2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023   2023-2024    2023-2024    2024-2025
                                             Actual    Actual    Actual  Original Budget  Projected   Budget
            Fund Balance, October 1          $38,835   $38,660   $30,346       $21,146     $32,345      $24,345
                 Interest Earnings                61       247     1,543          100        2,000        2,000
                 Proceeds from Sale of Assets      0         0       456            0            0            0
                 Transfer from EDC Sales Tax Fund  0   375,000         0            0            0      100,000
                 Other Financing Sources           0         0         0            0            0            0
                 Matching Grants                   0         0         0            0            0            0
            Total Revenues                        $61  $375,247    $1,999         $100       $2,000    $102,000

            Total Available Resources         $38,896  $413,907   $32,345      $21,246      $34,345    $126,345

                 Purchase of Property              0   375,000         0            0            0            0
                 Foster Village Improvements       0         0         0            0            0            0
                 Shade Structure - Indian Springs  0         0         0            0            0            0
                 Park Equipment (Picnic Pads, etc.)  0       0         0            0            0            0
                 Capp Smith Park Improvements    236         0         0            0            0       90,000
                Contingency                        0     8,561         0        10,000      10,000       10,000
            Total Expenditures                  $236  $383,561        $0       $10,000     $10,000     $100,000

            Other Expenditures
                 Transfer to PDC Debt Service      0         0         0            0            0            0
            Total Other Sources (Uses)             0         0         0            0            0            0

            REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES     ($175)   ($8,314)  $1,999       ($9,900)     ($8,000)     $2,000

            Fund Balance, September 30       $38,660   $30,346   $32,345       $11,246     $24,345      $26,345

            CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE             ($175)   ($8,314)  $1,999       ($9,900)     ($8,000)     $2,000

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