Page 286 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
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is funded by the Economic Development Corporation to spur economic development.
The following table shows the City’s 5-year Capital Improvement Projects Plan:
Totals Thru Estimated FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 Project
FY 2023 FY 2024 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 Year Projection - - - - - - - - - - - - Total
Pole Barn - Parks Facility 180,000 180,000
Whitesbranch Creek Trail 33,347 250,000 283,347
Park Vista - Site Project & Playground Equipment 22,715 15,785 490,500 529,000
Playground Equipment - Hillview, Hector Garcia, Capp Smith, Virgil Anthony 200,000 90,000 290,000
Foster Village Park Renovations (including playground) 50,000 245,000 295,000
Splashpad Filtration Upgrade 100,000 100,000
Trail Lights - Solar (city wide) 400,000 400,000
Site Amenities Improvements (city wide) 39,067 14,456 62,000 115,523
PARKS PROJECTS TOTAL 95,129 710,241 897,000 490,500 0 0 0 2,192,870
Fleet Bldg Expansion & Parking lot 290,997 772,473 1,063,471
Animal Shelter Needs Assessment 50,000 50,000
Public Works Parking Lot 1,000,000 1,000,000
Recreation Center HVAC & Room Rebuild 400,000 400,000
Building Improvements 200,000 200,000
BUILDING IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS TOTAL 290,997 772,473 1,650,000 0 0 0 0 2,713,471
Food Business Site - Capp Smith Park 43,550 456,450 500,000
Splashpad Filtration Upgrade 100,000 100,000
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS TOTAL 43,550 0 556,450 0 0 0 0 600,000
Whitley Road 4 226,099 119,809 345,908
Bunker Hill 227,700 1,518,500 1,746,200
Whitley Road 5 1,550,000 1,550,000
Echo Hills Bristol Square (NEW) 426,700 2,848,000 3,274,700
Park Vista Drainage/Fort Worth (ARPA funded) 106,000 841,000 947,000
Animal Shelter Flood Study 66,700 66,700
Foster Village Park Flood Study 140,400 140,400
DRAINAGE PROJECTS TOTAL 226,099 660,609 4,336,200 2,848,000 0 0 0 8,070,908
Whitley Road 4 1,888,842 1,477,959 3,366,800
Whitley Road 5 673,380 109,620 4,090,000 4,873,000
Group 2 (water & wastewater) added amt for streets by B&N 1,437,594 1,437,594
Echo Hill Bristol Square 270,900 1,808,000 2,078,900
Hightower Road 1 456,702 1,237,298 6,328,000 7,094,000 15,116,000
Hightower Road 2-5 (future) 0
Watauga Road 1 2,232,000 9,058,000 11,290,000
Watauga Road 2 1,151,000 10,098,000 11,249,000
Watauga Road 3 1,134,000 10,006,000 11,140,000
Watauga Road 4 2,317,000 2,317,000
Green Ribbon Project 2-7 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000
Sidewalks 150,000 150,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 1,000,000
Overlays 532,812 317,188 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 4,850,000
STREETS PROJECTS TOTAL 3,751,736 5,574,064 12,880,594 8,389,900 13,042,000 12,207,000 13,123,000 68,968,295
CDBG Projects (50th year is Bunker Blvd) 295,800 250,000 65,000 400,000 65,000 1,075,800
CDBG-CV Round 4 (Plum Street waterline) 250,000 338,000 588,000
Whitley Road 4 (water portion) 885,339 970,670 1,856,009
Group 1 (water & wastewater) 207,900 2,404,480 2,612,380
Group 2 (water & wastewater) 252,760 1,382,697 780,949 2,416,406
Group 3 (water & wastewater) $1,470,049 ARPA 168,300 3,127,700 3,296,000
Group 4 (water & wastewater) 153,260 1,636,903 1,790,163
Group 5 (SSES) 290,000 290,000
Maurie & Barry Drive 112,600 758,000 870,600
AMI Project 3,500,000 3,500,000
Echo Hills Bristol Square (new) 304,400 2,031,000 2,335,400
Various Water and/or Sewer Projects 260,000 2,000,000 1,740,000 4,000,000
Lead Pipe Identification & Replacements 800,000 120,000 920,000
WATER & WASTEWATER PROJECTS TOTAL 2,253,359 7,444,750 8,489,249 3,127,400 4,171,000 65,000 0 25,550,758
TOTAL PROJECTS 6,660,871 15,162,137 28,809,493 14,855,800 17,213,000 12,272,000 13,123,000 108,096,302