Page 282 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 282



            The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) presents the City’s plan for infrastructure development and
            improvements and is evaluated and updated annually by the City’s leadership to determine the
            financial availability of resources for projects that will satisfy the City tax rate objectives.   The
            Capital Improvements Program attempts to identify and plan for all major capital needs and
            deals with capital items that are different from those which are covered under the capital outlay
            category in each department’s budget and in the Internal Service (Equipment Replacement)

            Generally, the CIP includes improvements that are relatively expensive, are non-recurring, have
            a multi-year useful life, and, like capital outlay items, result in fixed assets.

            The goals of the CIP are as follows:

               ➢  Inform the employees, departments, elected officials and the public of the City’s intent to
                   invest in its infrastructure and community.
               ➢  Represents a long-term financial plan and identifies resources or financing strategies that
                   the City plans to use to fund the plan.  The CIP plan does not appropriate money, but
                   current year forecasted spending is included in the current year budget summaries.
               ➢  Identifies projects by functionality to ensure a balanced approach to our reinvestment in
                   the Community.
               ➢  Establishes priorities and serves as a planning document or blueprint for the investment
                   in capital infrastructure for short term and long-term projects.

            The Process

                                                            Each year, the CIP committee meets to update and
                                                            evaluate  the  current  projects  and  identify  future
                                                            projects.  The process includes:

                                                            The City’s Capital Project committee receives, and
                                                            reviews  requests  submitted  by  departments.
                                                            Projects are prioritized each year based on various
                                                            considerations  and  criteria.    Project  costs  for
                                                            existing  projects  are  updated  based  on  current
                                                            economic data.    The resulting proposed updated
                                                            plan is then presented to Council for consideration,
                                                            and adoption.

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