Page 279 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 279


                                        The  Fleet  Interlocal  fund  was  established  during  FY2019-2020
                                        when  Council  approved  a  resolution  to  provide  vehicle
                                        maintenance services for surrounding government entities.

               The  Interlocal  agreement  between  the  City  and  entities  allows  Watauga  to  provide
               vehicle  maintenance  services  for  a  defined  fee.  This  was  established  in  an  effort  to
               achieve common objectives relating to the services regarding vehicle maintenance and
               in the interest of saving taxpayer funding.

               Each  year  the  rate  schedule  set  forth  in  the  agreements  shall  increase  per  the
               Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U).

                                   FLEET INTERLOCAL FUND BUDGET SUMMARY

                                                     HISTORY                    PROJECTED YEAR          BUDGET
                                               2021-2022   2022-2023     2023-2024    2023-2024      2024-2025
                                                 Actual     Actual         Budget     Projected       Budget

                Fund Balance, October 1           $14,552    $53,471        $57,971     $110,794       $124,894
                     Other Revenue                 90,503    151,136        110,000       90,000        151,000
                     Interest Earnings                  0          0              0            0             0
                Total Revenues                    $90,503   $151,136       $110,000  $          90,000  $        151,000

                Total Available Resources        $105,055   $204,607       $167,971  $        200,794  $        275,894

                     Personnel                     10,774     16,081          15,000      15,000         15,000
                     Supplies                      35,997     73,974          75,000      55,000         75,000
                     Maintenance                    4,814      3,758           5,500       5,900          6,400
                     Capital                            0          0              0            0          1,500
                 Expenditures                     $51,585    $93,813        $95,500      $75,900         97,900

                TOTAL EXPENDITURES                $51,585    $93,813    $          95,500  $          75,900  $          97,900
                Fund Balance, September 30        $53,471   $110,794        $72,471     $124,894       $177,994

                CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE            $38,918    $57,323        $14,500      $14,100        $53,100

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