Page 276 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 276

Organizational Chart
                                                       City Manager

                                                         Director of
                                                       Public Works

                                            Utilities             Assistant Public
                                        Superintendent          Works Director/Bldg.
                                             Utilities               Construction
                                           Supervisor                  Inspector

                                                Equipment                Permit
                                                 Operator             Technician

                                              Water Quality

                                               Public Works
                                                 Worker I

     Budgeted Positions

      Position Title                                                   FY2023       FY2024       FY2025
                                                                        Actual       Actual      Budget
      Director of Public Works                                            .25          .25          .25
      Assistant Director of Public Works/Building Official                .25          .25          .25
      Construction Inspector                                              .25          .25          .25
      Permit Technician                                                   .50          .50          .50
      Utilities Superintendent                                            .50          .50          .50
      Utilities Supervisor                                                .50          .50          .50
      Equipment Operator                                                 2.50         3.50         3.50
      Water Quality Technician                                           1.00         1.00         1.00
      Public Works Maintenance Worker I                                  1.00         1.00         1.00
      Total Public Works – Wastewater Collection Division FTE            6.75         7.75         7.75

     Summary of Expenditures by Category

     Public Works – Water Distribution Division budget increased by $391,436 mainly due to sewer costs increases.
     There were personnel costs adjustments also included within this budget. In addition, there was an increase in
     lab testing and sewage disposal fees to due estimated increased costs. Reallocations of vehicle parts and maintenance
     also impacted this budget.

                                                            FY2023        FY2024       FY2024          FY2025
                                                            Actual        Adopted      Projected       Budget
      Personnel                                               411,062       619,000       439,750        618,700
      Supplies                                                 21,241       24,200         23,200         11,700
      Maintenance                                              2,861         4,500         4,500           3,100
      Contractual Sundry                                     2,426,576     2,636,914     3,036,914      3,042,550
      Capital Outlay                                             0             0             0               0
      Total Public Works – Wastewater Collections            $2,861,740  $3,284,614     $3,504,364      $3,676,050
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