Page 271 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 271
Public Works –
Water Distribution
Mission Statement
The mission of the City of Watauga Water Department is to provide the highest quality and quantity of water by
collecting bacteriological water samples monthly, repairing main breaks, and flushing mains to ensure safe drinking
water while providing world class customer service to our citizens.
Department Overview
• Maintain 111 miles of water mains in the system.
• Provides water quality that meets or exceeds requirements set forth by the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
• Repairs leaks on mains and service lines to prevent loss of water and revenues.
• Repairs on fire hydrants and main line valves.
• Provides the highest quantity of water.
• Perform preventive maintenance hydrant/valve exercising.
• Strive to provide a world class customer service attitude.
Highlights/Achievements for FY2024
• Collected 300 routine bacteriological water samples.
• Collected quarterly nitrate/trihalomethane samples.
• Flush dead end water mains monthly to ensure a high quality of water.
• Quarterly water main valve exercising.
• Revised Water Conservation/Drought Contingency Plan.
• Delivered the Consumer Confidence Report to our citizens as well as posted in public places.
• Monitored disinfection levels daily as required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
(TCEQ), as well as, provided customer service to our citizens.
Goals/Objectives for FY2025
• Compliance with TCEQ regulations will be through continued quarterly and annual operating reports, the
Consumer Confidence Report, bacteriological water sampling, tank inspection, dead end water main
flushing and valve exercising.
• Water leaks will be repaired in a timely manner.
• Staffing recruitment and retention.
• Provide excellent staff training and safety.
• Continue to provide the highest quality drinking water possible combined with world class customer service.