Page 288 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
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                                            GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND

                                                CAPITAL PROJECTS SUMMARY

                                                             HISTORY              CURRENT YEAR       BUDGET
                                                       2021-2022   2022-2023   2023-2024  2023-2024   2024-2025
            FUND 07                                      Actual      Actual     Budget     Projected    Budget

            Beginning Fund Balance*                    $11,248,865 $14,266,067 $21,122,786  $21,122,786 $19,840,008

                 Transfer from General Fund              1,085,000    485,000    235,000     235,000     648,000
                 Grants                                         0     800,000   3,200,000          0    3,200,000
                 2021/2022 Certificates of Obligation/Tax Notes  4,562,512  0          0                       0
                 2023 Proposed Certificates of Obligation       0   9,142,698          0           0           0
                 2024 Proposed Certificates of Obligation       0          0           0    3,600,000          0
                 Other financing sources                        0          0           0           0           0
                 Interest Income / Misc.                   81,823     638,216    600,000     800,000     600,000
            Total Revenue:                              $5,729,335 $11,065,914  $4,035,000  $4,635,000  $4,448,000

            Total Available Resources                  $16,978,200 $25,331,980 $25,157,786  $25,757,786 $24,288,008
                 Public Works:
                Bond Issuance                             114,078     173,444          0           0           0
                Building Improvements                           0          0     195,000     144,400      95,000
                Equipment (Misc)                                0          0      10,000       3,100     197,800
                Green Ribbon                               38,720       4,734     50,000      50,000      50,000
                Contingency                                     0          0      80,000      80,000      25,000
                Engineering                                25,000      27,418     30,000      30,000      30,000
                Pmt to NRH for Rufe Snow                   63,068      63,068     60,500      60,500           0
                Sidewalk Replacement                       36,740     121,902    150,000     150,000     175,000
                Street Overlays/Maintenance                     0          0     800,000     800,000     950,000
                 Capital  Projects                       2,434,528  3,818,629  21,873,731   4,599,778  18,806,044

            Total Fund Expenditures:                    $2,712,134  $4,209,195 $23,249,231  $5,917,778 $20,328,844

            Ending Fund Balance                        $14,266,067 $21,122,786  $1,908,555  $19,840,008  $3,959,164

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