Page 292 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 292
❖ Description: Solar Trail Lights, $400,000
This project provides for the installation of solar lights at Indian Springs,
BISD, and Virgil Anthony parks. The loop trails in each of the parks will be
lit with solar lighting similar to the lighting recently installed at Capp Smith
Justification: The major Park Master Plan survey request was improvements in the hike and
bike trails within the City. This is a continuation of that request and will provide improved
lighting in the parks.
Operating Impact: This project is being funded by the 2024 Certificate of Obligations issued
in September 2024 and is anticipated to create a reduction in the electricity expenses when
❖ Description: Parks Facility Building Improvements, $180,000
This project provides improvements to the Parks
Facility, with the replacement of the aging pole barn
that houses equipment and vehicles and will add bins
for material storage.
Justification: The pole barn is in need of replacement
due to its age and condition of disrepair. The barn will
house parks equipment and provide protection for
equipment and vehicles such as sun damage and
severe weather events. The material bins will provide
storage for topsoil, mulch, and rock. The bins will
provide protection for loss of materials from storm
Operating Impact: This project will be funded through the 2020 Certificates of Obligation
❖ Description: Public Works Parking Lot Reconstruction, $1,000,000
This project is to repave the entire Public Works
Facility yard area due to the deterioration of the
existing parking lot. The new parking lot area will
be constructed of concrete to increase its service
life and optimized to add additional parking within
the existing boundary of the Public Works Facility.