Page 298 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 298


                   Justification: The aging wastewater lines throughout the City are 30+ years old.  The
                   lines are subject to ground movement, pulled joints, root infiltration and deterioration.
                   Many have inflow and infiltration problems.  Proactive replacement, instead of reactive
                   replacement, will reduce maintenance costs and customer problems.

                   Operating  Impact:  Savings  of  approximately  $100,000  annually  are  expected  in
                   decreased wastewater fees paid due to prevention of inflow and infiltration into the system
                   after completion of this project.

                                           WATER & WASTEWATER CIP, GROUP 3

               ❖  Description:  This project is part of the
                   water/wastewater  projects  and  includes
                   a     complete       reconstruction      of
                   Summertime  Lane  street,  storm  water
                   drainage      system,      water      main
                   improvements,  and  sanitary  sewer
                   improvements.  Construction will include
                   Summertime Lane from Rufe Snow Drive
                   to  Carousel  Drive.  The  project  also
                   includes  Route  66  from  Summertime
                   Lane to Whispering Lane.

                   Justification: This project is part of the
                   water lines that were identified as part of
                   the  Sewer  System  Evaluation  Survey
                   (SSES)  in  2015  and  2019  Water  CIP
                   water line projects. The aging water and
                   wastewater lines throughout the City are
                   old  and  present  frequent  maintenance
                   issues.  Systematic  replacement  will
                   reduce maintenance costs and customer problems.

                   Operating Impact:  This project is funded through the ARPA grant and 2019 Certificate
                   of Obligations.

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