Page 88 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
P. 88
Business Plan Return to Table of Contents
Leverage Technology
Goal 1: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
Objective 3: Increase Convenience for the Customer
Project Performance Measure(s) Department(s)
LT Supplier Portal Implementation Annual Percent of AP Funds Paid Finance
1.3.4 Electronically
Estimated Actual
The Payables/Finance System Admin teams will be Completion Completion
working towards implementing the Workday Supplier Project Initiation and 10/31/2024
Portal. Once implemented, City of Arlington vendors will Stakeholder
facilitate collaboration and communication between Identification
vendors and the City of Arlington, serving as a centralized Workday Configuration 12/31/2024
hub for managing supplier relationships, transactions, & Testing
and information inside of Workday. Supplier 02/28/2025
Communication Notice
Once completed, suppliers will have a streamlined Project Rollout and Go- 04/01/2025
onboarding process, the ability to self-manage certain live
payment/tax options, view POs issued to them, track
invoices and see current payment information.
Leverage Technology
Goal 1: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
Objective 3: Increase Convenience for the Customer
Project Performance Measure(s) Department(s)
LT Implementation of City-wide Project Completion Finance
1.3.5 Electronic Bidding and
standardization of processes
Estimated Actual
The Office of Procurement has been utilizing IonWave for Milestone Completion Completion
electronic bidding of all formal solicitations since the Fall of Work with Departments 09/01/2024
2020. Electronic bidding streamlines the bidding process to build templates in
by moving all manual tasks to electronic format. It IonWave
improves the bidding process for vendors wanting to Review and train 11/01/2024
participate, which in turn will create more competition. departments on new
Since moving to electronic bidding, the Office of processes
Procurement has seen a decrease in non-responsive bids All solicitations moved to 01/01/2025
and proposals. This business plan will move all city-wide e-bidding
solicitations to e-bidding, with the intent to standardize all
FY 2025 Adopted Budget and Business Plan 79 City of Arlington, Texas