Page 77 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
P. 77
Business Plan Return to Table of Contents
Leverage Technology
Goal 1: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
Objective 1: Provide for the Efficient Access and Appropriate Management of the City’s Data
Project Performance Measure(s) Department(s)
LT Kronos Replacement Project Completion Information Technology, Human
1.1.7 Resources, and Finance
The current version of Kronos is approaching its end of
life. The replacement product being considered is
Workday Time Tracking. Workday Time Tracking will
provide a standardized workforce management system.
The Accenture partner vendor Statement of Work (SOW)
and City coordination is ongoing. The SOW will include a
preliminary schedule.
Leverage Technology
Goal 1: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
Objective 1: Provide for the Efficient Access and Appropriate Management of the City’s Data
Project Performance Measure(s) Department(s)
LT Outsourcing Check Printing Annual Percent of AP Funds Paid Finance
1.1.8 Services Electronically
Estimated Actual
Outsourcing check printing services to Chase bank will Completion Completion
allow the City to leverage Chase’s expertise in the latest Project Initiation and TBD
financial security measures and fraud detection systems Stakeholder
to mitigate against fraud, waste, and abuse of the City of Identification
Arlington’s funds. Workday Configuration TBD
& Testing
Supplier TBD
Communication Notice
Project Rollout and Go- TBD
FY 2025 Adopted Budget and Business Plan 68 City of Arlington, Texas