Page 176 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 176
Planning & Development Services
• Educate the public about the City’s online permitting and inspections services (EnerGov)
• Focus communication efforts for online permitting service towards first-time users and submission
requirements (EnerGov Customer Self-Service)
• Focus communication on obtaining information on development cases and how to participate in the
development process (i.e., Active Planning Cases web page)
City-wide Goal: Create a process for customer service quality assurance and accountability (CRM).
Department Goal: Enhance the ability for customers to provide meaningful feedback regarding departmental
processes and services.
Implementation Strategy:
• Identify and merge Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement forms with the City’s new 311 system/
program (CRM)
• Merge the department’s Customer Satisfaction Survey with the City’s new 311 system/program (CRM)
City-wide Goal: Emphasize “future readiness” tech initiatives through business unit and Corporate Leadership
Team collaboration.
Department Goal: Utilize technology to provide timely and accurate information to City boards, commissions, and
the public throughout the development process.
Implementation Strategy:
• Utilize technology, such as a drone, to obtain video for special projects (i.e., roads, sidewalks, water tank
inspections, etc.), and specialty building inspections (i.e., roofs, signs, and HVAC equipment), and evaluate
drainage issues.”
p erf O r M an C e Measures
perfOrManCe Measures
fy 2022
fy 2021
fy 2020
perfOrManCe Measure aCtuaLs aCtuaLs prOjeCtiOn fy 2023
Percentage of building inspections completed on the same day
as scheduled by the customer 95% 99.95% 95% 95%
Percentage of commercial building permit reviews completed 90% (5-day
within 10 or 15 business days (depending on the project) 80% (10-day 95% (10-day 95% (10-day review)
review) review) review) 90% (10-day
80% (15-day 95% (15-day 95% (15-day review)
review) review) review) 90% (15-day
Percentage of residential building permit reviews completed 80% (5-day 95% (5-day 95% (5-day 90% (5-day
within 5 or 10 business days (depending on project) review) review) review) review)
90% (10-day 95% (10-day 95% (10-day 90% (10-day
review) review) review) review)
Implementation of Comprehensive Plan Initiatives
New Target New Target New Target 85%
Average number of days for code enforcement officers to
resolve a code-related case New Target 14 days 17.5 days 16 days
BUDGET BOOK | FY 2023 City of Southlake 175