Page 180 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 180


                                                                              PUBLIC wORKS
                                                                          Public Works

                                                  Public Works

          The Public Works Department will improve the quality of life for residents by providing excellent public service
             through planning, engineering, constructing, inspecting, operating, and maintaining Southlake’s public

                                 adMinistratiOn             Water             WasteWater           engineering

               puBLiC                                                                                         Cip

               WOrks                                                                                     ManageMnt
                                    streets &              traffiC                                   faCiLities

                                    drainage                                envirOnMentaL

                               67.0                        $5,301,148                                 11%

                                 FTE                                                                 OF THE TOTAL
                                                                  GENERAL FUND                       GENERAL FUND

                                          departMent strategy Map
                                                                    tegy Map
                      To improve the quality of life for our residents by providing excellent public service through planning, engineering, constructing,
                                         inspecting, operating and maintaining Southlake Public infrastructure
                            Safety &                                Quality       Performance    Partnerships &
                            Security    Mobility     Infrastructure   Development   Management &   Volunteerism
                                                                                  Service Delivery
                                                      City Corporate Objectives
                         C1  Achieve the   C2 Provide travel   C6 Enhance the sense of   B1 Achieve best-  B2 Collaborate with   B4 Provide high
                                                                                 select partners to
                                                                                               quality services
   CITY CRITICAL         standards of   convenience   community by providing excellent     all City disciplines   implement service   through sustainable
                                                                    in-class status in
                                     within City &
                                                 customer service and citizen
 BUSINESS OUTCOMES      safety & security   region   engagement opportunities      solutions   business practices
 CBO1 – Maintain a strong financial
                                                                  L1  Ensure our people
 position and implement plans and   F1 Adhere to financial   F2 Invest to provide   F4 Establish &      understand the strategy   L3 Attract, develop   L6 Foster positive
                                        & maintain high
 policies to ensure future financial   principles & budget   quality public assets   maintain effective   & how they contribute   & retain a skilled   employee
                                                     internal controls
 strength.                                                            to it                     engagement
 CBO2 – Enhance mobility through
 aggressive traffic management                          Serve Our Customers

 initiatives and capital project                                                         PWC4 Provide effective and
 implementation.         PWC1 Maintain a “superior”   PWC2 Develop, build, and maintain      PWC3 Provide a high degree of   timely communication for
                         rated, safe drinking water   high quality transportation      customer service and   internal and external
 CBO5 – Improve quality of life through   system (C1)   infrastructure (C2)   satisfaction (C6)   customers (C6)
 progressive implementation of
 Southlake’s Comprehensive Plan
 recommendations.                                       Manage the Business

 PUBLIC WORKS CRITICAL    PWB1 Ensure integrity of storm   PWB2 Minimize environmental

 BUSINESS OUTCOMES       water drainage system to minimize   pollution and promote public health   PWB3 Promote conservation of natural

                         loss of public and private property   (B2)                      resources (B4)
 PWCBO1 - Develop and enhance    (B1)
 partnerships that provide the best
 value and service to the community
 (CBO1).                                             Provide Financial Stewardship

 PWCBO2 – Evaluate traffic related
 issues that arise through observation   PWF1 Provide high value services   PWF2 Invest to provide and maintain high   PWF3 Comply with adopted financial

 of employees, reports from   through efficient management of   quality City facilities and City   controls and ensure fiscal accountability
 motorists, residents, and business   resources (F1)      infrastructure (F2)            at all levels (F4)

 owners in a timely manner (CBO4).
 PWCBO5 – Implement adopted                          Promote Learning and Growth

 Capital Improvement Program in

 support of Southlake’s                             PWL2 Ensure adherence to State guidelines   PWL3 Build a positive, productive & engaged
 Comprehensive Plan (CBO5).   PWL1 Provide continuous employee and   by maintaining professional licenses and   workforce that supports the City’s mission
                            leadership development (L1)

                                                           certifications (L3)        and strategic goals (L6)
                                                                             BUDGET BOOK   |  FY 2023 City of Southlake  179
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