Page 174 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 174


                                                         PLAnnInG & DEvELOPmEnT SERvICES
                                                        Planning & Development Services

                             Planning & Development Services

             The Planning and Development Services (PDS) Department provides the community with exceptional
              guidance and quality service through strategic planning, development review, building & structure
                                            inspection, and code enforcement

                             pLanning &
                            deveLOpMent                             COde enfOrCeMent

                                                                  BuiLding inspeCtiOns

                               22.5                        $2,535,129                               5.3%

                                 FTE                                                                OF THE TOTAL
                                                                  GENERAL FUND                     GENERAL FUND

               The PDS Department will promote rational, economical, and environmentally efficient use of land that allows Southlake to grow and develop in a
                                                                tegy Map
                                          pLanning strategy Map
               manner that preserves the quality of life, ensures protection of the natural environment, promotes economic prosperity, and maintains the health
                                                      and safety of the community.
                                      Safety &      Mobility      Infrastructure   Quality     Performance
                                      Security                                   Development   Management
                 C1  Achieve the highest   C3 Provide attractive & unique   C6  Enhance sense of community by    B4  Provide high quality services   C5 Promote opportunities
 CBO5 –  Improve quality of life through   standards of safety & security   spaces for enjoyment of   providing excellent customer service   through sustainable business   for partnerships & volunteer
 progressive implementation of       personal interests   and citizen engagement opportunities   practices   involvement
 Southlake’s Comprehensive Plan
 recommendations.                                                         L1 Ensure our people understand
                     B6 Optimize use of    F1 Adhere to financial management   F4 Establish and maintain   L6 Foster positive
 CBO3 – Engage in thoughtful planning    technology   principles & budget   effective internal controls   the strategy and how they   employee engagement
                                                                              contribute to it
 to ensure continued high quality
 development that is integrated well
 into the current built environment.
 CBO2 – Enhance mobility through
 aggressive traffic management   PDSC1 Provide guidance and resources for the orderly and cost   PDSC2  Develop, manage and communicate planning   PDSC3 Promote public awareness/understanding of
 initiatives and capital project   efficient development of the City that is attractive, safe and consistent   efforts to support the City’s vision  and address the   and participation in the planning process (C6)
 implementation.        with the comprehensive plan (C1)    Citizen Survey results  (C3)
                                                    PDSB2 Provide data and geographical information   PDSB3 Utilize volunteers in a manner that assists in the
                PDSB1 Manage, oversee  and communicate/educate the public
                   on entitlement, permitting and inspection process (B4)   that is accurate, informative, easily communicated   management of the business but provides an educational
 PDSCBO1 – Develop & adopt 2035                             and obtainable (B6)     or learning  benefit to the participant(B4/C5)
 plan elements & implement
 recommendations from the 2030
 and 2035 plan elements  (CBO5)
 PDSCBO2 – Implement efficiency   PDSF1 Provide high value services through  the efficient   PDSF2 Comply with adopted financial controls and ensure
 improvements identified in the 2015   management of resources (F1)   fiscal accountability at all levels (F4)
 LEAN Process Improvement exercise
 PDSCBO3 –  Effectively communicate
 development related information
 (capital  projects, agendas, processes   PDSL1 Provide a solutions oriented, well-trained, customer   PDSL2 Build a positive, productive and engaged workforce   PDSL3 Create a formalized training and mentoring
 and projects) (CBO2 & 3)   oriented  and certified workforce (L3)   that supports the City’s mission and strategic goals (L6)   program to ensure smooth succession planning (L6)

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