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                     Street & Sidewalk Capital Projects

           Project Name                                        Project Description
         Pavement Marking       This project is designed to replace raised pavement markings along with re-striping lane dividers on
         Improvements (2022-23) -   portions of Rufe Snow, North Tarrant Parkway, Holiday Lane and Mid-Cities Boulevard.
         New Project

         Pearl Street           The project consists of the design and reconstruction of approximately 1,100 linear feet of Pearl Street
         Reconstruction - Continuing   from Freda Lane to the alley in Hometown.  The improvements include reconstructing the existing
         Project                roadway with new full-depth subgrade, limited curb and gutter replacement, and new asphalt
                                pavement.  The road will be reconstructed within the existing right-of-way in its current configuration;
                                this is not a roadway expansion.

         Pedestrian Connectivity   This project will construct sidewalks in targeted areas adjacent to major roadways and/or serving key
         Enhancements - New     nodes like schools, trails, and transit oriented development (TOD) facilities.  The initial target area is
         Project                within the Smithfield TOD, and includes sidewalk on the east side of Davis from Northeast Parkway to
                                the Cotton belt Trail, sidewalk on the east side of Smithfield Road also from Northeast Parkway to the

         Post Oak Drive - Continuing   The project consists of the design and reconstruction of approximately 1,000 linear feet of Post Oak
         Project                Drive from Briarwood Drive to Hightower Drive.  The improvements include reconstructing the existing
                                roadway with new full-depth subgrade, limited curb and gutter replacement, and new asphalt
                                pavement.  The road will be reconstructed within the existing right-of-way in its current configuration;
                                this is not a roadway expansion.

         Preventive Street      This is the annual program where funds are dedicated to enhance the city's efforts for preventive
         Maintenance (2021) -   maintenance of city streets. The scope of this project provides crack sealing for approximately 15-25
         Continuing Project     streets, slurry seal for 15-25 streets, asphalt microsurface for 5-10 streets and a 2 inch asphalt overlay
                                for 12-15 streets. In addition to these four maintenance methods we have incorporated concrete crack
                                sealing for 15-25 streets and concrete street partial pavement replacement for 10-20 streets.  The
                                Pavement Assessment report from 2019 will provide the recommendations the list of streets for this
                                year's program.

         Preventive Street      This is the annual program where funds are dedicated to enhance the city's efforts for preventive
         Maintenance (2021-22) -   maintenance of city streets. The scope of this project provides crack sealing for approximately 15-25
         Continuing Project     streets, slurry seal for 15-25 streets, asphalt microsurface for 5-10 streets and a 2 inch asphalt overlay
                                for 12-15 streets. In addition to these four maintenance methods we have incorporated concrete crack
                                sealing for 15-25 streets and concrete street partial pavement replacement for 10-20 streets.

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