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                     Street & Sidewalk Capital Projects

           Project Name                                        Project Description
         Iron Horse Boulevard West   The project consists of the design and reconstruction of approximately 2,000 linear feet of Iron Horse
         Reconstruction - Continuing   Boulevard from Browning Drive to Rufe Snow Drive.  The improvements include reconstructing the
         Project                existing roadway with reinforced concrete, including the addition of pedestrian facilities.  The road will
                                be reconstructed within the existing 80' right-of-way in its current four-lane divided configuration; this is
                                not a roadway expansion.

         Kirk Lane - Continuing   The project consists of the design and reconstruction of approximately 700 linear feet of Kirk Lane from
         Project                Northfield Drive to Kirk Court.  The improvements include reconstructing the existing roadway with new
                                full-depth subgrade, limited curb and gutter replacement, and new asphalt pavement.  The road will be
                                reconstructed within the existing right-of-way in its current configuration; this is not a roadway

         Lariat Trail - Continuing   The project consists of the design and reconstruction of approximately 2,000 linear feet of Lariat Trail in
         Project                two segments:  Meadow Lakes to Riviera and Circleview to the dead end.  The improvements include
                                reconstructing the existing roadway with reinforced concrete, including the addition of pedestrian
                                facilities.  The road will be reconstructed within the existing right-of-way.

         Main St. Streetscaping &   This project reconstructs Main St, Snider St. and Center St. near the Smithfield Station.  Located in the
         Snider St. Extension   center of the Smithfield Transit Oriented Development, Main St. is an existing street that lacks
         Project - Continuing Project  pedestrian infrastructure such as sidewalks, street furniture, lighting and trees.  Snider St. and Center
                                St. both intersect with Main St. and will be reconstructed as pedestrian friendly streets (sidewalks,
                                street furniture, lighting and trees).  A majority of the funds come from an NCTCOG RTR Grant.
                                Project funding is contingent upon NCTCOG approval and notice to proceed.  The project scope also
                                includes sidewalks along Davis Boulevard to connect Main St. to Odell St.

         Main Street - Continuing   The project consists of engineering and construction of approximately 1,100 linear feet of Main Street
         Project                from Amundson Drive to Amundson Road.  The improvements include reconstructing the existing
                                roadway with reinforced concrete, including the addition of sidewalks.  The road will be rebuilt to its
                                current width; this is not a roadway expansion.

         Meadow Lakes Drive &   The area along Rufe Snow, south of LP 820, is severely congested with 7 different ingress/egress
         Rufe Snow Drive        points within a 700 foot span.  The project proposes the conversion of the current Rufe Snow/Meadow
         Intersection - Continuing   Lakes 3 way signalized intersection into a 4 way signalized intersection that would be a separate but
         Project                complimentary project to ST0102 - Rufe Snow Drive Street & Utility Improvements, which calls for a
                                raised median along Rufe Snow.  This project would extend Meadow Lakes east of Rufe Snow,
                                connecting to the commercial area along LP 820.  The project would also eliminate 3 of the 7
                                ingress/egress points within the 700 foot span.
                                Project Status:  No additional improvements are proposed at this time.

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