Page 244 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 244

                                                                        PUBLIC WOrKS

                                       Public Works Department

                                  The Public Works Department will improve the quality of life
                                   for residents by providing excellent public service through
                                 planning, engineering, constructing, inspecting, operating, and
                                         maintaining Southlake’s public infrastructure.

                                                   DEPARTMENT HIGHLIGHTS

                            60%                                7.9                             4.8%

                  More than 60% of the FY           Southlake roads maintain a       The Public Works Water
                  2021 Capital Budget is            good rating (7.9 out of 10)      Division, through effective
                  dedicated to pedestrian           for overall street quality in    and timely response to
                  and vehicular mobility            the City.                        water line breaks and leaks,
                  projects throughout the                                            has maintained a less than
                  City of Southlake.                                                 4.8% water loss rate in the
                                                                                     City’s water system. This is
                                                               29                    below the suggested
                                                    Public Works responds to         system loss rate set by the
                                                    issues at 29 traffic signals in   American Water Works
                                                    Southlake. Seven are City-       Association.
                                                    owned and 22 are State-
                             14                     owned.                                     15%

                  The Public Works                            1.0%                   The Public Works
                  Department has fourteen                                            Department is staffed
                  core services.                    The Public Works                 with 65.0 FTEs who
                                                    Department 2021 General          provide services related to
                                                    Fund Budget is $2,041,100,       department administration,
                                                    which is a 1.0% increase         engineering,  and
                            11.3%                   over the FY 2021 budget.         engineering inspections.
                                                    This increase is largely due     Staff also oversee water,
                  The Public Works budget           to personnel costs.              wastewater, storm water,
                  is 11.3% of total General                                          and facilities infrastructure.
                  Fund expenditures.                                                 The staff comprises 15% of
                                                                                     the City’s workforce.

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