Page 239 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 239

                                                    POLICE DEPArTMEnT

                                    Department Core Services
                                       Department Scorecard

                         % of citizens who feel very or some-
                   1.2.10 what safe walking in their neighbor-  96%  90%        99%        >         90%

                   1.3   Maximize crime prevention strategies through public education & community partnerships (PDC2) (C5)
                         % citizens very satisfied or somewhat
                         satisfied with crime prevention infor-
                   1.3.1                                  58%        75%        82%        >         90%
                         mation provided by the police depart-
                   1.3.2  Juvenile Crimes- On CISD Campus  4         4          1          <         5

                   1.3.3  Juvenile Crimes - Off Campus    5          10         16         <         10
                   1.3.4  Juvenile Welfare Incidents      20         17         14         <         5

                   1.3.4a      SRO reports generated      13         19         15         <         20

                   1.3.4b      SRO citations issued       3          2          1          >         0
                              SRO student meetings/mentoring
                   1.3.4c  sessions                       840        716        301        >         450
              Serve our Customers  1.3.4d      SRO parent meetings  67  117     71         >         100

                   1.3.4e      SRO school patrol hours
                         Identify a Customer Service Metric
                                                          in progress in progress in progress in progress in progress
                         Enhance sense of community by providing excellent customer service and citizen engagement opportu-
                         nities (C6)
                         % agreement that employee represent-
                   1.4.1                                  79%        85%        88%        >         90%
                         ed City in a  positive manner
                         % citizen agreement that employee was
                   1.4.2                                  82%        88%        91%        >         90%
                         % citizen agreement that employees
                   1.4.3  returned calls within a reasonable   51%   67%        78%        >         90%
                         amount of time
                         % citizen agreement that employee
                   1.4.4  showed pride and concern for the qual- 79%  84%       83%        >         90%
                         ity of work
                         Q12 Survey:  Q09 - My coworkers are
                   1.4.5                                  4%         4.22       4.39       >         4.50
                         committed to doing quality work
                   1.5   Deliver clear, accurate and timely information (PDC3) (C6)
                         Compliance w/ state law for open
                   1.5.1                                  100%       100%       100%       =         100%
                         records response times

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