Page 235 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 235

                                     PLANNING & DEvELOPMENT SERvICES

                                           Department Goals

                                                SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS

           Provide transparent and   Improve development-related   Continue taking a lead role   Ensure that construction
            objective information     service levels through the   in the management and    in the City occurs based
           which assists the public’s   timely implementation of   implementation of the   upon the most up-to-date
           understanding of issues    the Southlake 2030 Plan     Southlake 2030 Plan by   adopted building codes, and
          and solutions, giving them    recommendations          promoting and educating   that all plans examiners and
            opportunities to offer                                 boards, citizens, staff   building inspectors have the
           comments throughout all                                and developers on the     appropriate certifications
         phases of the public planning                            recommendations and
                 process                                           initiatives of the plan

                                                MANAGE THE BUSINESS

            Continue monitoring   Elevate scores for   Exceed service delivery   Continue developing   Maintain or exceed target
             the development    Building Inspections,   targets regarding,   and producing   levels of map and report
            process within the   Code Enforcement, and   Development Review   detailed and   production regarding
             City of Southlake,   Planning Services as   Committee reviews,   extensive maps as   established due dates, and
           while simultaneously   they relate to the Citizen   permit reviews,   well as updating   consider best practices and
           considering alternative   Satisfaction/Employee   inspections and   existing maps based   innovations in the GIS field
          and innovative solutions   Engagement Surveys    responding to Code   on the availability   to provide the most detailed
            to improving service                   Enforcement Complaints  of aerial photos and   and high quality maps
                delivery                                                other necessary data

                                          PROVIDE FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP

               Annually review           Provide financial             Research               Educate staff and
                 services to              stewardship by            alternative means          demonstrate by
                 determine              meeting or exceeding        of funding projects        example sound
                 economic               established financial          and service           budgeting principles
                 efficiencies             related metrics               delivery                and effective
                                                                                               management of

                                           PROMOTE LEARNING & GROWTH

             Invest in various   Develop a clear     Create additional     Keep voluntary      Ensure that staff
             certifications and   and identifiable   opportunities for employee   turnover below the   members attend training
            trainings required   succession plan  involvement/engagement,   target score on the   sessions and either
            to assist employees                   while seeking to meet or   PDS scorecard   attaining or renewing
            in their professional                  exceed scorecard target                   certifications/licenses
              development                         measures for the next Q12                       related
                                                         surveys                                 to the field

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