Page 248 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 248

                                                                       PUBLIC WOrKS

                                                             nt Score
                                        Department Core Services

                                                               Previous   Previous             Measure-
            Perspective Ref #             Measure                                     Current              Target
                                                                Period     Period                ment

                       2.1   Achieve best-in-class status in all City disciplines (B1)

                             % department workplan initiatives that
                       2.1.1                                  90        89.0        89.0      > or =    90.0
                             met or exceeded KAI

                             Deliver high quality, cost effective, and efficient construction administration, engineering and inspection
                             services (PWB1) (B1)

                             % of civil plan reviews completed
                       2.2.1                                  100       100         100       =         100.0
                             within 15 business days of submittal
                             % of driveway/sidewalk Inspection
                       2.2.2                                  98        97          98        =         100.0
                             completed within same business day
                             Average # major punchlist items per
                       2.2.3                                  0.0       0.0         0.0       <         4.0
                             project (CIP)
                             Average # of major punchlist items per
                       2.2.4  project (Development)           0.0       0.0         0.0       <         4.0
                  Manage the Business  2.3.1  % Complete of Pavement Management  100  23  100  > or =   95.0
                             Operate and maintain facilities, transportation, water, sanitary, and storm sewer systems (PWB2) (B1)

                             Assessment (PMA) of projects sched-

                       2.3.2  % of beacon endpoints communicating  99.9  99.9       99.8      =         100.0
                             of total
                             % of current employees with TCEQ wa-
                       2.3.3  ter/wastewater licenses necessary to  67  67          75        > or =    80.0
                             operate systems and equipment on site

                             # of Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's)
                       2.3.4                                  1         1           0         =         0.0
                             per year

                       2.3.5  water meter changeouts completed   132    408         101       > or =    400

                       2.3.8  % of collection system cleaned annually 6  16         4         > or =    18.0

                             % recommended pump replacements
                       2.3.9                                  100       100         100       > or =    100.0
                             completed for all lift stations

                       2.3.12 % of workload that is backlog   0         7           0         < or =    25.0

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