Page 251 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 251

                                     PUBLIC WOrKS

                                           Department Goals

                                                SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS

            Establish a     Improve the   Develop an innovative mobility system   Institute an   Enhance message
          culture of safety  Department’s   that provides for the safe, convenient,   Environmental   content, reporting
                            emergency      efficient movement of people and   Management System  periodicity and suite
                             readiness     goods, reduces traffic congestion,                  of communication
                             posture      promotes energy and transportation                    tools available to
                                          efficiency and promotes expanded                     deliver messaging in
                                           opportunities for citizens to meet                  accordance with the
                                          routine needs by walking or bicycling               department’s Strategic
                                                                                              Communications Plan

                                                MANAGE THE BUSINESS

               Institute project          Implement an                  Develop                Take proactive
                  planning               Enterprise Asset            organization to           steps to ensure
               methodology for          Management System            adapt to future         that public health is
               the City’s Capital                                        needs                   protected

                                          PROVIDE FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP

                  Utilize operating            Deliver projects on time and within        Institute a culture
                      budget                              budget                             of financial
                    effectively                                                           responsibility and

                                           PROMOTE LEARNING & GROWTH

                           Promote cross-training                                Assess business
                        between divisions and identify                             processes
                                                                                   to identify
                         opportunities for succession                            efficiencies and
                                planning                                         foster innovation

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