Page 223 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 223

                                     LIBrArY SErVICES

                                           Department Goals

                                                SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS

            Promote new       Develop an       Enhance the     Enhance digital    Implement      Develop customer
          Library programs    exciting and    Library facility   services to     neighborhood      experience
           and services for   engaging library   with new      offer more live    connection        initiatives
              all ages      collection for the   furniture and   plus streaming   initiatives with
                              community         carpeting        options for    special services
                                                                  families       and programs

                                                MANAGE THE BUSINESS

              Develop active     Promote the          Effectively      Support City-wide     Seek Best-in-Class
            support initiatives   volunteer program to   communicate   initiatives through     Designation
            to further develop   attract more adult and   Library services   matrix-teams and
               community        teen volunteers   and activities to the   collaboration
              partnerships                         community and the
                                                    City organization

                                          PROVIDE FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP

                    Seek grant                        Effectively allocate                    Request
                  opportunities to                   resources to maximize                  sponsorships
                  implement new                      positive impact to the               and donations to
                   programs and                          community                         support Library
                   services in the                                                          programming

                                           PROMOTE LEARNING & GROWTH

                             Provide relevant                                      Provide new
                               and career                                           leadership
                               developing                                       opportunities for high
                                training                                            performers
                             opportunities for
                                 all staff

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