Page 226 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 226

                                                  PLANNING & DEvELOPMENT SERvICES

                                        Department Core Services

                The PDS Department will promote rational, economical, and environmentally efficient use of land that allows Southlake to grow and develop in a manner that preserves
                    the quality of life, ensures protection of the natural environment, promotes economic prosperity, and maintains the health and safety of the community.
                                Safety &    Mobility                  Quality         Partnerships &   Performance
                                Security                Infrastructure   Development   Volunteerism    Management

                C1  Achieve the highest   C4 Attract & keep top tier businesses to   C5 Promote opportunities for   C6  Enhance sense of community by    B4  Provide high quality services
                 standards of safety &   drive a dynamic & sustainable   partnerships & volunteer   providing excellent customer service   through sustainable business
                    security       economic environment     involvement       and citizen engagement   practices
 CBO5 –  Improve quality of life through
 progressive implementation of Southlake’s   B1 Achieve best-in-class
 Comprehensive Plan recommendations.   status in all City   B6 Optimize use of    F1 Adhere to financial management   F4 Establish and maintain   L3 Attract, develop & retain   L6 Foster positive
 CBO3 – Engage in thoughtful planning    disciplines   technology   principles & budget   effective internal controls   a skilled workforce   employee engagement
 to ensure continued high quality
 development that is integrated well into
 the current built environment.
 CBO6 – Invest to maintain strong public
 safety..           PDS(BI)C1 Provide guidance, education and   PDS(BI)C2 Ensure construction occurs in a safe and secure   PDS(BI)C4 Promote public awareness /understanding
                  resources for the submittal and release of permits   manner by adhering to ISO standards “best in class” in   of public health and safety through Code
                     related to the construction process (C1)   inspections and issuance of Certificate of Occupancies. (C4)   Enforcement and Building Inspection (C6)

 PDSCBO1 –Understand and enforce current
 code standards in conjunction with the   PDS(BI)B2 Manage and oversee the   PDS(BI)B3 Provide accurate data and reporting that is available   PDS(BI)B3 Utilize volunteers in a manner that assists in the
 International Code Council and the  North   permitting and inspection process (B4)   to the public online through the city website and Southlake on   management of the business but provides an educational
 Central Texas Council of Government         Demand (Accela Land Management Software) (B6)    or learning benefit to the participant(B4/C5)
 Regional Codes Coordinating Committee.
 (CBO3 & 6)
 PDSCBO2 –PDSCB02- Implement efficiency
 improvements identified in the 2015 LEAN   PDS(BI)F1 Provide high value services through efficient   PDS(BI)F2 Comply with adopted financial controls and
 Process Improvement event and the   management of resources (F1)    ensure fiscal accountability at all levels (F4)
 Insurance Service Office (ISO) audit (CB03 &
 PDSCBO3 –  Effectively communicate
 building and code  information as it relates
 to process efficiency and safety and   PDS(BI)L1 Provide a solutions oriented, well-trained   PDS(BI)L2 Build a positive, productive and engaged workforce that   PDS(BI)L3 Create a formalized training and mentoring
 security.            and certified workforce (L3)   supports the City’s mission and strategic goals (L6)   program to ensure smooth succession planning (L6)

                    City Critical Business Outcomes                  Department Critical Business Outcomes

               CBO5 –  Improve quality of life through progressive   PDSCBO1 –Understand and enforce current code standards in conjunction
               implementation of Southlake’s Comprehensive Plan   with the International Code Council and the  North Central Texas Council of
               recommendations.                                Government Regional Codes Coordinating Committee. (CBO3 & 6)

               CBO3 – Engage in thoughtful planning to ensure continued high   PDSCBO2 –PDSCB02- Implement efficiency improvements identified in the
               quality development that is integrated well into the current   2015 LEAN Process Improvement event and the Insurance Service Office (ISO)
               built environment.                              audit (CB03 & 5)
               CBO6 – Invest to maintain strong public safety.  PDSCBO3 –  Effectively communicate building and code  information as it
                                                               relates to process efficiency and safety and security.

                                                                           BUDGET BOOK   |  FY 2022 City of Southlake  225
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