Page 221 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 221

                                                     LIBrArY SErVICES

                                    Department Core Services
                                       Department Scorecard

             Perspec-  tive  Ref.   Measure               Previous     Previous     Current  Measure-   Target
                         Average # of training hours per PT
                  4.2.2                                      10           6            9       > or =     6.00
                         employee - Department

                         Q12 Survey:  Q03 - At work, I have the
                  4.2.3  opportunity to do what I do best every   4.21   4.25        4.00      > or =     4.50
                         Q12 Survey:  Q12 - This last year, I
                  4.2.4  have had opportunities at work to   4.01        4.04        4.42      > or =     4.50
                         learn and grow

                         Department full-time voluntary turn-
                  4.2.5                                      0%           0%          0%         <        8%
                         over rate
                         %of Part Time employees attending   No previous
                  4.2.6                                                  100%        100%         =      100%
                         advanced staff training            data

                  4.3    Hire a skilled workforce of lifelong learners who support the Library’s mission  (LBL2) (L3)  48
              Promote Learning & Growth  4.4  for librarians  3.59       3.38        3.91      > or =     4.50
                         # Earned continuing education credits
                         Recognize & reward high performers (L4)
                         Q12 Survey:  Q04 - In the last seven
                         days, I have received recognition or

                         # of staff recognition activities for Part
                  4.4.2  praise for doing good work           4           2            4       > or =      2
                         Time employees

                         # of staff recognition activities for Full
                  4.4.3                                       4           2            4       > or =      2
                         Time employees

                  4.4.5  Recognize high performers            4           4           13       > or =      4
                  4.5    Empower informed decision-making at all levels in the organization (L5)
                         Q12 Survey:  Q07 - At work, my opin-
                  4.5.1                                     3.71         3.79        4.08      > or =     4.50
                         ions seem to count
                         Build a positive, productive & engaged workforce that supports the City’s mission and strategic goals
                         (LBL4) (L6)
                         Q12 Survey:  Q00 - How satisfied are
                  4.6.1  you with the City of Southlake as a   4.14      4.01        4.08      > or =     4.50
                         place to work?

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