Page 227 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 227

                                            PLANNING & DEvELOPMENT SERvICES

                                    Department Core Services
                                       Department Scorecard

                                                           Previous   Previous               Measure-
         Perspective Ref #            Measure                                      Current              Target
                                                            Period     Period                  ment
                   1.1   Achieve the highest standards of safety & security (C1)

                         Q12 Survey:  Q02 - I have the materials
                   1.1.1  and equipment I need to do my work   4.16  4.26       4.61        >         4.5
                         Speed Alerts  - Number of Speed Alerts
                   1.1.2                                  1          1          2           <         2
                         per quarter

                   1.1.3  On the job accidents            0          0          1           <         0

                   1.1.4  ISO Building Code Effectiveness Grade 3    3          3           <         4

                         Safety Committee workplace audit find-
                   1.1.5                                  0          0          0           <         3
                         ings per office location
                         % Staff Compliance with Phishing
                   1.1.6                                  N/A        90         100         >         99
                         Scheme Testing
              Serve our Customers  1.2.1  consistent with the comprehensive plan (PDSC1) (C1) 65  23  >  50
                         Provide guidance for the orderly and cost efficient development of the City that is attractive, safe and
                         % of cases presented at the Corridor
                         Committee that did not submit the City  50
                         for approval

                   1.2.2  Cases tabled at PZ              5          13         4           <         10

                   1.2.3  Cases tabled at City Council    18         14         12          <         15

                         Number of views on the ordinance web
                   1.2.4                                  1,973      2,369      1,158       >         1700

                         Number of views on the application
                   1.2.5                                  1,367      1,524      910         >         900
                         web page

                   1.3   Manage comprehensive planning to ensure development in accordance with the City's Vision (PDSC2) (C3)

                         % of residents very or somewhat satis-
                   1.3.1  fied with the City's efforts at managing  43  61      70          >         70
                         growth and development

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