Page 149 - Southlake FY22 Budget
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                                 city oF southlake city-Wide scorecard                                                                                     city oF southlake city-Wide scorecard

                                     Previous      Previous                                                                                                    Previous      Previous
                                   Measurement  Measurement  Current  Measure-  Target    Unit    Source   Timing                                            Measurement  Measurement  Current  Measure-  Target   Unit    Source    Timing
                                      Period        Period                                                                                                      Period        Period
                   Percent of                                                                                                                Percent of
                   citizens rating                                                                                                           citizens agree-
                   Republic Services'                                                                                                        ing completely
                   performance                                                                                                               or somewhat
             1.5.4  in collecting      92%           87%        87%       >      85%       %      Citizen   Biennial                   1.6.4  that employee      87%          87%         87%       >      90%       %      Citizen   Biennial
                   residential solid                                                                                                         showed pride
                   waste ("Excel-                                                                                                            and concern for
                   lent" or "Very                                                                                                            the quality of
                   Good")                                                                                                                    work
                   Percent of                                                                                                                Percent aver-
                   citizens rating                                                                                                           age reduction
                   Republic Services'                                                                                                        in gap between
                   performance in                                                                 Citizen                                    importance and      6%            4%         4%        >      -6%       %      Citizen   Biennial
             1.5.5                     91%           87%        87%       >      85%       %               Biennial                                                                                                         Survey
                   collecting resi-                                                               Survey                                     satisfaction for
                   dential recycling                                                                                                         identified Citizen
                   ("Excellent" or                                                                                                    Serve Our Customers 1.6.5  Survey gap issues
            Serve Our Customers  1.6.1  Percent of   79%  69%   69%       >      90%       %      Citizen   Biennial                   1.6.6  Southlake, per-    59%          59%         59%       >      75%       %      Citizen   Biennial
                   "Very Good")
                                                                                                                                             During their
                                                                                                                                             time living in
                   Enhance sense of community by providing excellent customer service and citizen engagement opportunities (C6)
                                                                                                                                             cent of citizens
                   citizens agreeing
                                                                                                                                             believing that,
                   completely or
                                                                                                                                             as a community
                   somewhat that
                                                                                                                                             in which to live,
                   employee repre-
                   sented City in a
                   positive manner
                                                                                                                                             Vote participa-
                   Percent of                                                                                                                Southlake has                                                                 Elections
                                                                                                                                             tion in last mu-
                   citizens agreeing                                                                                                   1.6.7  nicipal election   25%          87%         43%       >      20%       %    Administra-  Annual
                   completely or                                                                  Citizen                                                                                                                             (May)
             1.6.2                     81%           83%        83%       >      90%       %               Biennial                          as a percentage                                                                 tor
                   somewhat that                                                                  Survey                                     of eligible voters
                   employee was
                   courteous                                                                                                                 Q12 Survey:  Q09                                                             Employee
                   Percent of                                                                                                                - My coworkers                                                                Engage-
                   citizens agree-                                                                                                     1.6.9  are committed      4.24         4.25        4.24      ≥      4.50      #      ment     Biennial
                   ing completely                                                                                                            to doing quality                                                               Survey
                   or somewhat                                                                                                               work                                                                         (City-wide)
             1.6.3  that employees     65%           74%        74%       >      90%       %      Citizen   Biennial                         Achieve best-in-class status in all City disciplines (B1)
                                                                                                                                      Manage the Business 2.1  Pavement Qual-  82.0  81.0  82.6     ≥       7.8      #    Paving As-  (August)
                   returned calls                                                                                                            Obtain Balanced                                              Success-
                   within a reason-                                                                                                          Scorecard Hall of                                           ful imple-
                   able amount of                                                                                                      2.1.2  Fame designa-      TBD           TBD        TBD       =     menta-    n/a      n/a     Annual
                   time                                                                                                                      tion                                                          tion

                                                                                                                                             ity Index (PQI)
                                                                                                                                             Street Rating

      148    FY 2022 City of Southlake  |  BUDGET BOOK
   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151   152   153   154