Page 147 - Southlake FY22 Budget
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city oF southlake city-Wide scorecard city oF southlake city-Wide scorecard
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Measurement Measurement Current Measure- Target Unit Source Timing Measurement Measurement Current Measure- Target Unit Source Timing
Period Period Period Period
Employee 1.4 Attract & keep top-tier businesses to drive a dynamic & sustainable economic environment (C4)
Q12 Survey: Q10 Engage- % change in com- Planning
1.1.9 - I have a best 3.47 3.47 3.70 > or = 4.50 # ment Biennial mercial square Positive Master
friend at work Survey 1.4.1 footage from 4.91% 1.52% 0.68% = Ý trend Indicator Annual
(City-wide) prior year Data File
1.2 Provide travel convenience within City and region (C2) % change in total Planning
Percent of permitted dollar Positive Master
citizens rat- 1.4.2 value related to 14.48% 3.37% 2.53% = Ý trend Indicator Annual
ing the City's new commercial Data File
performance in from prior year
1.2.1 providing travel 27% 46% 46% > 95% % Citizen Biennial % growth in
convenience Total Sales Tax Master
within the City 1.4.3 Revenue (Gen- 3% 2% 1% = Ý Positive Indicator Annual
("Excellent" or eral Fund, SPDC, trend File
"Very Good") CCPD, & CEDC)
Percent of Serve Our Customers 1.4.4 Southlake retail 93.0% 91.0% 93.0% > 92% % COSTAR Quarterly
citizens who are
occupancy rate
Serve Our Customers 1.2.2 the provision 60% 60% 60% > 90% % Citizen Biennial 1.4.5 Southlake office 81.0% 81.0% 80.0% > 85% % COSTAR Quarterly
satisfied with
of pedestrian
occupancy rate
pathways ("Very
Satisfied" or
Promote opportunities for partnerships & volunteer involvement (C5)
"Somewhat Satis-
Percent of citi-
zens rating the
Provide attractive & unique spaces for enjoyment of personal interests (C3)
mance in promot-
Percent of citi-
ing opportunities
zens rating the 1.5.1 City's perfor- 69% 65% 65% > or = 95% % Citizen Biennial
City's perfor- for partnerships Survey
mance in provid- and volunteer
ing attractive and Citizen involvement ("Ex-
1.3.1 66% 66% 66% > 95% % Biennial cellent" or "Very
unique spaces for Survey
the enjoyment of Good")
personal inter- Estimated dollar Positive Volgistics Annual
ests ("Excellent" 1.5.2 value of total vol- $661,800 $752,821 $258,229 Ý trend $ / HR (April)
or "Very Good") unteer activity
Percent of NEW TBD: Vol- Volunteer
citizens who as- 1.5.3 unteer Satisfac- TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD % Satisfac- Annual
sociate beautiful tion Measures tion Survey
parks and open Citizen (new)
1.3.2 80% 80% 80% > 75% % Biennial
spaces with Survey
their image of
Southlake (rating
of 5 or better)
146 FY 2022 City of Southlake | BUDGET BOOK