Page 142 - Southlake FY22 Budget
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Under our revised framework, the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Assistant to the City Manager, Chief Financial
Officer, Human Resources Director, Deputy Director of Public Relations, Operations Manager - Customer Service, and
Operations Manager - Special Projects serve as the Corporate Team. Each team member is responsible for a set of
corporate functional areas. The Corporate Team continually scans the horizon and provides strategic direction and
oversight to departments, primarily identifying and planning for high-risk initiatives and helping the organization
become ready for the future. Under this framework, Department Directors are responsible for the high-quality
management of operating their departments on a day-to-day basis. The Corporate Team works with departments to
advance their corporate functional areas of responsibility, and Departments work with the Corporate Team as needed
on city-wide high-risk initiatives. This two-way flow of information enhances collaboration between departments,
emphasizes the focus on risk, and optimizes the value of the City’s Executive Team for our residents, businesses, and
strategy maP
In order to set the course for the work we do each year, we utilize a document called a Strategy Map. The Strategy Map captures
the City’s strategy in a single diagram and identifies those things that are necessary to achieve the mission. The City’s adopted
Strategy Map (pictured opposite) includes the Mission, Values, and Focus Areas, and it incorporates four Perspectives, five
Critical Business Outcomes, and twenty-two Corporate Objectives.
Our Strategy Map tells the story of not only what our strategic focus is but also how we intend to meet those goals. For
example, if you look at the “Provide Financial Stewardship” Perspective, you will see that the City intends to do this by
adhering to financial management principles and budget, investing to provide and maintain high-quality public assets,
achieving fiscal wellness standards and establishing and maintaining effective internal controls. You’ll note that each
of these objectives is referenced by a letter and number. These references can be found throughout this document,
demonstrating the continued focus on connecting the City’s strategy to its operations.
One additional step the City has taken to further connect its strategy with its operations is to work with each
Department to create a departmental strategy map. These maps demonstrate each Department’s core services which
are organized by the same perspectives as the City’s Strategy Map. Furthermore, each core service is connected to a
Corporate Objective and all departments have their own Critical Business Outcomes that support those shown on the
City’s map. See the City Department Overview section to view these departmental maps.
PerFormance measures
Performance measures hold departments accountable. By updating and maintaining performance measures,
citizens receive information about City services annually. Because performance measures are determined according
to the Strategy Map, it becomes evident how each department aligns with City goals, and how well departments are
meeting the expectations set by the Strategy Map.
The City uses “Key Accountability Indicators,” (KAIs) to measure performance. These performance measures help
determine the quantity and quality of our work, as identified in our plans. We consistently evaluate our work and
review our performance quarterly because we firmly believe that what gets measured, gets done.
The City primarily monitors performance through a city-wide and individual department scorecards. These are
developed using the perspectives from the City’s strategy. The city-wide scorecard is shown later in this section
and department scorecards are shown in the City Department Overview section. The measures shown include the
current reporting period and two previous periods, as well as a target. The targets established on the scorecards
are typically “stretch” goals, or targets that the city is working to achieve. In FY 2021 and continuing into FY 2022,
staff is working to revise the city-wide and department scorecards to improve measures so that they can be used to
make better business decisions.
In addition to monitoring these performance measures, the City of Southlake also desires the opinion of its citizens.
Every two years Southlake undertakes a broad citizen survey designed to measure government performance
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