Page 145 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 145
The second level of implementation plans includes our departmental business plans. Departments prepare their
business plans following an analysis of their department’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and city oF southlake city-Wide scorecard
with the goal of implementing best practices associated with the services they provide. These plans are prepared
biennially each spring and are the basis for budget submittal. Additionally, departments prepare annual work Previous Previous Measure- Data
plans which articulate both the connection to the business plan as well as clearly outlining what the department Measurement Measurement Current ment Target Unit Source Timing
is planning to do, how they are planning to do it and when they project the work will be complete.
southlake’s strategic deVeloPment / budget cycle 1.1 Achieve the highest standards of safety & security (C1)
Establishing a link between a City’s strategy and budget is fundamental to effective public budgeting. Southlake Percent citizens
rating the City's
works hard to connect the SMS to the budget process. Incorporating the Strategy Map into resource allocation performance in
decisions ensures the City budget reflects the priorities of City Council. The illustration below depicts the annual achieving the
process of developing the City’s budget in conjunction with the Strategic Management System. 1.1.1 highest stan- 82% 79% 79% > 95% % Citizen Biennial
dards in safety Survey
The budget process, like the Strategy Map, connects each department to the organization as a whole. At the and security ("Ex-
micro level, City departments work to provide quality services to the citizens of Southlake. At the macro level, cellent" or "Very
departments use the Strategy Map to make budgetary requests so that these services can be performed. As Good")
the Budget Cycle illustration indicates (below), the process never ceases. At the beginning of each fiscal year, in UCR Part 1
October, we conduct or review the results from the most recent citizen survey, this aids staff in focusing its work Nonviolent Police De-
for the coming year. Then a meeting with City Council in January provides an opportunity to review the strategic 1.1.2 Crimes per 1,000 .5 0.3 0.6 < TBD #/1000 partment Quarterly
direction, followed by the creation of departmental business plans in April and budget development in August. residents
In order for funding to be allocated, departments must follow the Strategy Map to align requests with the goals, UCR Part 1 Vio-
mission, and vision of Southlake. 1.1.3 lent Crimes per 2 2.1 2.1 < TBD #/1000 Police De- Quarterly
Serve Our Customers Response Time
Strategic planning plays an integral role in the development of each year’s budget and ensures the City’s ability to meet 1,000 residents
Fire Dept
the needs of a growing community. To be effective, the City must direct resources to those areas most essential to the 1.1.4 Dollar value to 92.96% 93.4% 93.8% > 80% % Scorecard Monthly
dollar loss (fire)
community’s priorities. The aim of the City’s Strategic Management System, with its many integrated parts, does
just that. 1.1.5 (Fire - Travel 341 318 306 < 390 sec Scorecard Monthly
Fire Dept
Percent citizens
who are satisfied
with the City's
performance in
1.1.6 preparing the city 81% 76% 76% > 95% % Citizen Biennial
for emergencies
("Very Satisfied"
or "Somewhat
% volunteer
1.1.7 checks completed 100% 100% 100% = 100% % Volgistics Annual
prior to volunteer
Q12 Survey: Q02 Employee
- I have the mate- Engage-
1.1.8 rials and equip- 4.39 4.55 4.41 > or = 4.50 # ment Biennial
ment I need to do Survey
my work right (City-wide)
144 FY 2022 City of Southlake | BUDGET BOOK