Page 228 - City of Mansfield FY22 Operarting Budget
P. 228
Budget Summary
The Community Engagement Division is a new division in FY 2021-2022. It includes Communications
and Marketing, Neighborhood Services, Special Events, and Cultural Arts. While Neighborhood Services
is the only new department, these departments were grouped together to focus on increasing
communication and outreach efforts to involve the citizens of Mansfield and build a sense of community
between residents, businesses, and the City staff.
Community Engagement Actual Actual Budget Budget % Change
Departments 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2021-2022
Communications & Marketing 305,039 301,570 362,181 359,735 -0.68%
Neighborhood Outreach-NEW - 12,960 - 369,797 -
Special Events 316,470 217,417 324,114 354,473 9.37%
Cultural Arts 179,806 191,048 194,130 374,901 93.12%
Total $ 801,315 $ 722,995 $ 880,425 $ 1,458,906 65.70%
Division Actual Actual Budget Budget % Change
Summary 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2021-2022
Personnel Services $ 490,691 $ 537,871 $ 582,722 $ 965,184 65.63%
Operations 310,624 185,124 297,703 493,722 65.84%
Total $ 801,315 $ 722,995 $ 880,425 $ 1,458,906 65.70%
The mission for The Community Engagement Division is to increase public engagement using the many
social media channels and digital media, as well as creating excitement that markets tourism through
sports, festivals, and creative art events.
Contact: Theresa Cohagen, 817-728-3384