Page 223 - City of Mansfield FY22 Operarting Budget
P. 223
The Mansfield Public Library provides free and equal access to a broad range of informational resources,
creating opportunities for education, recreation, and the pursuit of life-long learning.
Services Provided
• Curbside Pick-up.
• Virtual programs for all ages with supplies to-go.
• E-card registration for instant access to digital resources.
Accomplishments in FY 2020-2021
• Served the public during the Covid-19 pandemic.
• Completed and adopted the library Five-Year Strategic Plan.
• Developed outreach and community engagement program.
FY 2021-2022 Goals & Objectives
1. Utilize the newly adopted Five-Year Strategic Plan to achieve enhanced standards from the Texas
Public Library Standards.
• Complete a full evaluation to determine the library status on standards.
• Develop benchmarks to determine which standards can be met in the short term.
• Use benchmarks to determine what work needs to begin to meet standards that will require a
long-term plan.
2. Identify ways to offer library services to the public when the traditional options may not be available.
• Utilize library Tech Truck and Community Engagement Librarian to create partnerships and take
library services outside the library walls.
• Develop library programming committee plan for engagement opportunities.
• Utilize social media as an engagement opportunity.
3. Increase the awareness and usage of library resources and services.
• Develop online tutorials for the ease of use for digital resources.
• Develop a marketing strategy to better determine engagement.
• Ensure various ways to access library resources.