Page 232 - City of Mansfield FY22 Operarting Budget
P. 232

Performance Measures
                NEW                                           Actual      Actual       Budget       Budget
                Neighborhood Services                        2018/2019   2019/2020    2020/2021    2021/2022
                Demand                                                                                     80
                 Registrations received - ARB                                                             85%
                 Realtor attendance - ARB                                                                  48
                 Applications received - MMM                                                             TBD
                 Code violations referred to MVP                                                           20
                 Number of registered HOA or NA - NLR                                                      15
                 Program attendance for quarterly- NLR                                                   TBD
                 Program attendance - NOR
                 Number of meetings offered - ARB                                                           1
                 Number of semesters offered - MMM                                                          2
                 Number of monthly service projects - MVP                                                  10
                 Number of meetings offered - NLR                                                           4
                 Number of newsletters produced - NLR                                                       4
                 Number of outreach events produced - NOR                                                TBD
                 Number of volunteers MVP (program year)                                                 5000
                 Number of volunteer hours MVP (program year)                                            25000
                 Code violations cured by MVP                                                            TBD
                 Number of dumpsters provided MVP (program year)                                           12
                 Number of bags of trash collected MVP (program year)                                     500
                 Realtor Survey Satisfaction Rating                                                       85%
                 Program Completion - MMM                                                                 90%
                 Student Survey Satisfaction Rating - MMM                                                 90%
                 Staff Survey Satisfaction Rating - MMM                                                   85%
                 Cost savings for donated volunteer hours (program year) - MVP                         $680,000
                 Newsletter production                                                                   100%

               Measureable Outcomes:
                   •  My Mansfield Muni-Versity applications and program completion.
                   •  Increase number of volunteer hours and participants provided through the MVP.
                   •  Develop database of HOA and NA groups.
                   •  Complete neighborhood outreach events.

                Neighborhood Outreach-NEW  Actual        Actual        Budget        Budget       % Change
                Summary                  2018-2019      2019-2020     2020-2021     2021-2022     2021-2022
                Personnel Services    $                            -    $                              -  $                              -  $                      325,527  -

                Operations                                          -                            12,960                                  -                          44,270  -

                 Total                $                              -  $                        12,960  $                              -  $                    369,797  -

                   Neighborhood Services-NEW           2019-2020     2020-2021    2021-2022    2021-2022
                   Full Time Equivilent Positions       Budget        Budget       Budget       Change
                   Communications & Outreach Director      -            -            1             1
                   Volunteer Coordinator                   -            -            1             1
                   Total                                   0            0            2             2

               Contact: Bernadette McCranie, 817-276-4266

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