Page 235 - City of Mansfield FY22 Operarting Budget
P. 235
The Cultural Arts Department was created to advocate and promote artistic, cultural,
and educational opportunities to enhance the quality of life in our community.
Services Provided
• Managing and programming The Farr Best Theater.
• Providing grants and scholarships to the community through the Mansfield
Commission for the Arts.
• Hosting events to raise funds and awareness for local artists.
Accomplishments in FY 2020-2021
• Hosted all large events safely and successfully, i.e., Music Alley, Arts Week, ArtScapes.
• Added Texas Health Resources as a new annual sponsor for Mansfield Commission for the Arts.
• Began work on the Cultural Arts Master Plan.
FY 2021-2022 Goals & Objectives
1. Organize the marketing and tracking strategy for The Farr Best Theater.
• Create themes for programming to market and hopefully reach a more diverse audience.
• Work with Mansfield Commission for the Arts, Farr Best staff, and the community to diversify
programming at the theater.
• Create a long-term, multi-faceted marketing strategy and ensure staff is clear on how to execute
these goals.
2. Complete a Cultural Arts Master Plan.
• Work with the Director of Planning and Development, the Director of Community Engagement,
and executive staff to ensure a Cultural Arts study is part of the city’s comprehensive plan.
• Establish consultants and work committees.
• Assist the consultants in their research, run community outreach, support to accomplish the plan.
3. Prepare for a Cultural District designation for downtown.
• A Cultural Arts Master Plan for the city needs to be completed.
• Work closely with the Downtown Coordinator, Historical Mansfield Business Association &
Texas Commission for the Arts to complete the application process.