Page 464 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                          Support Youth and Families

                              Goal 1: Partner with Local Organizations to Educate and Mentor
                           Objective 2: Retain Arlington Graduates and Improve Department Recruitment Pools
                          Project                   Performance Measure(s)         City Service Team (Department)
             SYF   Hometown Recruiting Program   Hometown Recruiting Students   Neighborhood Services (Police)
             1.2.2                             Enrolled in AISD, UTA, and TCC

             The Police Department views Arlington’s secondary and           Hometown Recruiting
             higher educational partners as a vital source of candidate       Program Participants
             pools for future officers.  In Fiscal Year 2015, the Police    35
             Department, in partnership with the Arlington
             Independent School District (AISD) and the University    30
             Texas at Arlington (UTA), began the inaugural class of the    25
             Hometown Recruiting Program.  This program is focused
             on vocational education and real‐world experiences with
             the department.  This program also offered AISD students    15
             the ability to earn college credit towards a bachelor’s    10
             degree in criminal justice through dual credit courses.
             Open to high school seniors, the program is a yearlong    ‐
             capstone class on policing and is taught by an APD officer.    FY20 FY20 FY20 FY20 FY21 FY21 FY21 FY21
             During the year, students have the opportunity to         1st  2nd  3rd  4th  1st  2nd  3rd  4th
             participate in training with APD officers on a variety of   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr
             scenarios, including training with APD’s specialized units.        AISD   UTA    TCC

             Success of the program will be monitored as student’s

             move through degree programs at UTA and Tarrant County
             College, culminating with a fast track hiring process with
             the Arlington Police Department.

             During the 2  quarter, the Arlington Police Department
             Hometown Recruiting Program has made multiple trips to
             the APD Training Center to take advantage of the facilities
             and expertise of the officers involved with the program.
             Students trained in vehicle‐assault techniques and physical
             fitness training led by SWAT on site.  Multiple specialized
             units made presentations including the Crimes Against
             Children Unit, the Homicides Unit, in addition to
             Geographic Detectives and financial education.

             The application process for Class 8 of the Hometown
             Recruiting Program is in progress.  The process involves an
             online application, a physical fitness test, a panel
             interview, and background checks giving students a chance
             to familiarize themselves with the high standards and
             expectations that law enforcement agencies have.

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