Page 469 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Goal 1: Provide Activities, Educational Opportunities,
and Services that Meet the Needs of the Community
Objective 1: Develop and Implement Programming Based on the Needs of the Community
Project Performance Measure(s) City Service Team (Department)
Core AISD Natatorium Percent of classes filled Neighborhood Services (Parks)
CRE Partnership Customers Served
1.1.3 Overall satisfaction with programs and
In partnership with the AISD, the City of Arlington AISD Quarterly Update
produced an aquatics facility equipped with a 50‐
meter pool, a diving area, warm‐up pool, and
seating for up to one thousand spectators. 4,500
The joint use agreement provides an opportunity for 3,500
considerable expansion to the already high level of 3,000
aquatics programming offered by the Parks and
Recreation Department. The agreement will allow 2,500
over 2,500 annual usage hours in the 50‐meter and 2,000
warm‐up pools. A variety of year‐round programs 1,500
such as swim lessons, water aerobics, and lifeguard 1,000
training classes will be held at the natatorium.
Construction was completed in FY 2020. Due to the ‐
COVID‐19 pandemic, programming will not begin 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
until December FY 2021. Programmatic planning will
begin with Aquatics Staff and the FT Service Unit Gate Count Scans Revenue
Assistant to oversee the City’s interest in the facility.
The 4 quarter was the second full quarter for AISD
programming. As mentioned in the previous update,
programs offered at the AISD location are swim
lessons, lifeguard training, and open swim. All
members can use either the EAST or AISD for open
swim sessions, which means sales for those
memberships may not reflect in the AISD revenue
Customer surveys (52 total) ascribed an excellent
rating to the facility's overall quality (71%),
cleanliness of the facility (77%), maintenance of the
grounds (77%), safety and security of the facility
(73%), and quality of instruction and program (77%).
No responses for the topics mentioned above
prescribed a rating below good.