Page 474 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                    Goal 1: Provide Activities, Educational Opportunities,
                                    and Services that Meet the Needs of the Community
                         Objective 1: Develop and Implement Programming Based on the Needs of the Community
                          Project                   Performance Measure(s)         City Service Team (Department)
             Core  Strategic Plan Development   Achieve Milestones              Neighborhood Services (Library)
                                                                       Milestone         Estimated     Actual
             There have been significant changes in our library system                   Completion  Completion
             since the last strategic plan.  To prepare for the next three   Create the framework and   Apr. 2021   75%
             years, Library staff and the Library Advisory Board will   information gathering
             review the past and assess our successes and challenges.    methods begin the
             In addition, stakeholders and the community will be asked   development phase
             to provide feedback to help confirm the priorities that our   Develop a final draft of the   Sept. 2021
             citizens have for library services in Arlington.     five‐year benchmarking
             With that structure in mind, we will craft the goals that fit   Seek staff and board Input   Apr. 2021   100%
             with the resulting focus areas, as well as the measures of   Seek focus group input and  June 2021   50%
             performance to be used to assess progress toward   public input
             achieving the goals.  Each year, we will outline the   Formalize the goals,   June 2021   50%
             activities and projects that will help us reach our goals.    objectives, and measures
             But as we review each area's goals, we remember that the   based on information
             goals are only important because of the people they serve   gathered
             and the lives they change.                         Design final strategic plan   Sept. 2021
                                                                publication for CMO and
             Update:                                            City Council approval
             The project lost a little momentum due to canceled Library
                                                                Final strategic plan     Sept. 2021
             Advisory Board meetings. This objective will continue and   publication
             extend into FY 2022.  It is hoped that the fall board
             meeting will produce the much‐needed feedback as we
             move into the final phase, which includes focus group and
             survey input from the community.

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