Page 479 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                      Financial/Economic Development

                     Goal 1: Continue Responsible Fiduciary Emphasis for the Organization and Council
                                    Objective 1: Comply with all Financial Regulations and Policies
                          Project                  Performance Measure(s)         City Service Team (Department)
             Core  Plan/Implement Upcoming      GFOA Certificate of Excellence   Finance (Accounting)
             FED   GASB Statements              AFR with clean opinion

                                                                     Milestone          Estimated      Actual
             The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)                         Completion   Completion
             has issued multiple GASB statements that must be   Read GASB statements and   9/30/2021   9/30/2021
             implemented over the next several fiscal years.     identify effective dates.
                                                              Create implementation    9/30/2021     9/30/2021
             FY 2021                                          timeline for each.
             GASB 84 Fiduciary Activities                     Identify reporting,      9/30/2021     9/30/2021
             Implementation Guide 2019‐2                      disclosure, and RSI
             GASB 90 Major Equity Interests                   requirements
             GASB 92 Omnibus 2020 (varies FY 2021 and FY 2022)   Implement required process  9/30/2021   9/30/2021
             GASB 93 Replacement of Interbank Offered Rates   changes.
             (varies FY 2021 and FY 2022)                     Draft changes need for AFR   9/30/2021
                                                              External auditor review of   9/30/2021
             FY 2022                                          proposed AFR updates
             GASB 87 Leases
             Implementation Guide 2019‐3, 2020‐1
             GASB 89 Accounting for Interest Cost
             GASB 97 Component Unit Criteria, 457 Plans

             FY 2023
             GASB 91 Conduit Debt Obligations
             GASB 94 Public‐Private, Public‐Public Partnerships and
             Availability Payment Arrangements
             GASB 96 Subscription‐Based Information Technology

             The anticipated impact of implementing the above
             statements includes increased staff time to analyse and
             implement process changes, potential accounting
             consultation needs, and increased reporting

             The project is on target.

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