Page 482 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                      Financial/Economic Development

                     Goal 1: Continue Responsible Fiduciary Emphasis for the Organization and Council
                                       Objective 2: Organize to Improve Operational Efficiency
                          Project                   Performance Measure(s)         City Service Team (Department)
             Core  Internal Engineering Services   Design 30,000 Linear Feet in FY 2021   Economic Development and Capital
             FED   for Water Utilities                                          Investment (Water)

             The City of Arlington Water Utilities has historically         Linear Feet Designed
             outsourced design phase services to private     35,000
             professional engineering firms.  It has been    30,000
             determined that utilizing internal engineering staff for
             design of specific projects would result in a lower    25,000
             design cost per foot of water and/or sanitary sewer    20,000
             lines.  In FY 2014, Water Utilities began performing    15,000
             design utilizing internal engineering staff.  The projects    10,000
             proposed for the internal design team consist of small
             diameter water and sanitary renewal projects.    5,000
             Update:                                                 FY 2021  1st Qtr  2nd Qtr  3rd Qtr  4th Qtr
             The In‐house Design team has provided sealed plans        Total
             for 21,008 linear feet in the 4  quarter.  The total
             amount designed to date in FY 2021 is 30,187 linear
             feet.  The In‐House Design team has met the goal of
             30,000 for FY 2021.

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