Page 472 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Goal 1: Provide Activities, Educational Opportunities,
and Services that Meet the Needs of the Community
Objective 1: Develop and Implement Programming Based on the Needs of the Community
Project Performance Measure(s) City Service Team (Department)
Core East Library and • Overall Satisfaction Neighborhood Services (Library)
CRE Recreation Center • Visitor count
1.1.6 (ELaRC) • Circulation
• Public computer sessions/technology usage
• Program attendance
Library staff will observe and adapt to usage patterns at Overall Satisfaction Rating
the newly opened joint use East Library and Recreation for ELaRC Library Service
Center (ELaRC). This facility will be the first joint Library
and Park facility in Arlington and will offer multiple new
spaces, technology, and resources. The Library and 80%
Parks team has already been investigating ways to
integrate service delivery for any visitors; some of that 60%
will only become apparent after opening the doors and
observing how the community interacts with the new 40%
Update: 0%
In the 4 quarter, visitor count, circulation of physical
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
library materials, and computer sessions continue to
increase as the community learns of the location and
the resources offered. The community has discovered
the laptop locker, resulting in 290 laptops checking out ELaRC Vistor Count
for use within the library. 50,000
Science and technology‐themed programs continued 40,000
and were offered in both English and Spanish. Since the
facility has opened, 1,539 children have attended STEM‐
themed programs. Another programming focus has
been on careers and business, which included 27 20,000
computer learning opportunities in English and Spanish.
While attendance is lower than hoped, it is anticipated
that as the word is shared within that community,
awareness will continue to spread. ‐
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr