Page 461 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                          Support Youth and Families

                              Goal 1: Partner with Local Organizations to Educate and Mentor
                                     Objective 1: Strengthen Education and Enrichment Programs
                        Project                     Performance Measure(s)           City Service Team (Department)
             SYF   Adult Literacy enhanced      Recruitment of ESL, ABE, HSE students   Neighborhood Services (Library)
             1.1.2  service delivery           (includes IET, ITP)
                                              Retention of students
                                              Virtual and distance learning
                                              Certifications (includes HSE diplomas, and
                                               IET certifications)

             The Library’s adult education program continues to     Recruitment of ESL, ABE, HSE Students
             provide the community with high‐quality instruction in           (includes IET, ITP)
             high school equivalency, ESL, and citizenship     250
             preparation at no cost to the student.  As part of the
             Tarrant County Adult Education and Literacy       200
             Consortium (TCAELC) funded through Texas Workforce
             Commission, the Library also provides eligible students    150
             with opportunities to receive integrated educational
             training that results in certifications in a number of    100
             fields such as phlebotomy, Certified Nurses’ Assistant,
             Commercial Driver License, Microsoft Office        50
             certification, and more.  These certifications allow
             students to become more marketable and achieve
                                                                      1st Qtr   2nd Qtr    3rd Qtr   4th Qtr
             higher paying jobs upon completion.  The Library
             provides instruction and support to internationally
             trained professionals and students that are already
             degreed in their home country to make stronger        Student Retention – Students Achieve 40
             language skills and enhance their employability in our        Hours of Class Learning
             community.  This instruction is achieved both through
             traditional methods of in‐person classes, virtual classes,
             and distance learning utilizing specialized databases.     80
             The Library strives to expand these enhanced services
             to eligible students.                              60

             Update:                                            40
             In the 4  quarter, classes moved to a hybrid of in‐
             person and virtual classes. With the start of a new grant
             project year, recruitment of new students for ESL and    ‐
             HSE classes began. The ESL courses provided 8 classes    1st Qtr   2nd Qtr    3rd Qtr   4th Qtr
             for in‐person instruction and 4 virtual classes
             instructing 239 students with a cumulative total of
             2550.5 hours of direct instruction. Staffing challenges
             have limited the HSE class offerings. In addition,
             distance learning through educational software
             platforms, Burlington English and EssentialEd, offered
             students the ability to supplement their learning online.
             Two classes were provided, and 78 students were
             active on these platforms with 524.25 hours of
             instruction completed.

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