Page 463 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                          Support Youth and Families

                              Goal 1: Partner with Local Organizations to Educate and Mentor
                                     Objective 1: Strengthen Education and Enrichment Programs
                          Project                      Performance Measure(s)        City Service Team (Department)
             SYF   CARES Act Funding – Support   Project completion by the federal   Shared Services (IT) and
             1.1.3  Distance Learning           deadline for CARES Act Coronavirus   Neighborhood Services (Parks)
                                                Relief Funds (CRF)
                                                                   Milestone           Estimated       Status
             The City is working to provide free wireless internet                     Completion
             connectivity to the community to support a distance   Gather Program and Wi‐Fi   4  Qtr. FY 2020   Complete
             learning environment for our students.  Our IT   Service Requirements
             Department will be expanding the City provided Wi‐Fi   Performed Recreation   4  Qtr. FY 2020   Complete
             services at Parks and Recreation centers and Library   Center Site Surveys
             locations.                                     Develop Equipment       4  Qtr. FY 2020   Complete
             Update:                                        Initiate Procurement    2  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             Wi‐Fi equipment has been installed and is      Receive Equipment       2  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             operational.  Project has been closed.         Deploy Equipment        3  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
                                                            Project Closure         4  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete

                                          Support Youth and Families

                              Goal 1: Partner with Local Organizations to Educate and Mentor
                           Objective 2: Retain Arlington Graduates and Improve Department Recruitment Pools
                         Project                   Performance Measure(s)          City Service Team (Department)
             SYF   Arlington Urban Design    Number of projects completed      Shared Services (Office of Strategic
             1.2.1  Center (AUDC)                                              Initiatives)

             The Arlington Urban Design Center, a partnership             AUDC Projects Completed
             between the University of Texas at Arlington and the    12
             City of Arlington, opened in June 2009.  The Design
             Center provides conceptual renderings to businesses    10
             and neighborhoods in Arlington free of charge.  Since    8
             2009, the Center has completed over 425 projects and
             has employed 59 interns. OSI anticipates completing an
             average of 6 projects per quarter.                 4
             The AUDC is currently staffed with 3 interns and    ‐
             continues to work on multiple different types of projects   1st Qtr  2nd Qtr  3rd Qtr   4th Qtr
             at all times. The number of incoming projects has                   Target  Actual
             fluctuated due to COVID‐19 impacts. A total of 6
             projects were completed in the 4  quarter, and a total
             of 26 projects were completed in FY 2021.

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