Page 444 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                             Put Technology to Work

                           Goal 1: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
                                             Objective 2: Implement New Technology
                          Project                     Performance Measure(s)        City Service Team (Department)
             PTW  CARES Act Funding – Arlington   Project completion by the federal   Shared Services (IT) and Economic
             1.2.8  Smart Lighting & Municipal WiFi   deadline for CARES Act Coronavirus   Development and Capital
                                                Relief Funds (CRF)                 Investment (PWT)
                                                                   Milestone            Estimated      Status
             The City has started an initiative to build a Wireless                    Completion
             Lighting Controls and Public Access WiFi network to   Network Planning Phase    2  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             provide free Internet Access to designated areas   Network Design Phase   3  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             within the City.  Our IT Department will be expanding   Purchase Equipment   3  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             the City provided Wi‐Fi services to the designated   Receive Equipment   3  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             neighborhood locations.                        2nd Purchase of Equipment   4  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
                                                            2nd Receive of Equipment   4  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             Some of the specific requirements of the project are:   Deploy Equipment   4  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
                    Deploy outdoor Municipal WiFi network   Network Monitoring      4  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
                    Remotely control luminaires in a lighting   Project Closure     1  Qtr. FY 2022   In Progress
                    Remote control system for monitoring,
                    metering, and managing a lighting network
                    Monitor operating status, energy
                    consumption, and possible failures.   The new vendor, SmartWave, is overall responsible for the Wi‐Fi
                                                           network design and installation.  They designed the Wi‐Fi
                                                           network, installed the Wi‐Fi equipment on the light poles, and
                                                           installed additional network switches within the signal cabinets.
             Previously, the Smart Lighting and Mimosa     They assisted the IT department with the network configuration.
             equipment was received.  The Ruckus equipment,   They assisted the PWT department with equipment installation.
             Network Switches, Wi‐Fi Installation services, and
             Support Services were cancelled due to issues with   The Network Team of the IT department configured the City’s
             the vendor.
                                                          Fiber Network to allow the Public Access Wi‐Fi to get to the
                                                           internet from the designed neighborhood location.
             Received a new quote for the remaining equipment,
             the installation services, and Support Services from   The Street Maintenance Team of the PWT department installed
             another vendor.  Ordered and received the
                                                           the Smart Lighting equipment and assisted SmartWave with the
             equipment, installation services, and support
                                                          installation of the Wi‐Fi equipment.
                                                          The project team completed the Smart Lighting and Wi‐Fi
             The initial purchase of equipment and installation   installation and started broadcasting the Arlington Public Access
             services for the project was $491K.  The updated
                                                           Wi‐Fi for use by the residents of the neighborhood.
             purchase of equipment, installation services, and
             support services for the project was $423K.   The Arlington Public Access Wi‐Fi must be used for legal and
                                                           authorized purposes only.  Residents will be able to access the
             The Smart Lighting and Wi‐Fi installation was a   internet using any wireless enabled device and connect to any
             coordinated effort with partnerships between the
                                                          available internet service.  Residents can connect to this Public
             vendor, the IT Network team, and the Public Works   Access Wi‐Fi by searching for #ArlingtonWi‐Fi as the SSID name.
             Streetlights Teams.

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