Page 442 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                             Put Technology to Work

                           Goal 1: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
                                             Objective 2: Implement New Technology
                          Project                   Performance Measure(s)         City Service Team (Department)
             PTW   Traffic Management           Implementation: Installing devices at  Economic Development and Capital
             1.2.6  Technology Improvements     locations and bringing them online   Investment (PWT)
                                                Management:  Using device data to
                                                improve traffic flow

             Implementing smart traffic management technology will   Corridor and Travel Time Goal    Actual
             assist the city in developing a more efficient transportation                          Travel Time
             system that enhances regional mobility and increases the   NB Cooper St. (Turner‐Warnell Rd. to   19:17
             quality of life for residents and visitors.         IH‐30)
                                                                 21:09 (+/‐ 2 min 7 sec)
             Some of the benefits resulting from implementing new   SB Cooper St. (IH‐30 to Turner‐Warnell   18:03
             technology include:                                 Rd.)
                    Reduced traffic congestion                  21:04 (+/‐ 2 min 6 sec)
                    Prioritized traffic based on real‐time conditions   NB Collins St. (S. Green Oaks Blvd. to N.   20:39
                    Quicker response to traffic incidents       Green Oaks Blvd.)
                    Reduced pollution                           19:28 (+/‐ 1 min 58 sec)
                                                                 SB Collins St. (S. Green Oaks Blvd. to N.   17:46
             During FY 2021, work to implement new traffic       Green Oaks Blvd.)
             management technology will focus on the following   19:34 (+/‐ 1 min 57 sec)
             projects:                                           EB Division St. (Bowen Rd. to SH‐360)   11:08
                    Installation of connected vehicle devices at 35   10:24 (+/‐ 1 min 2 sec)
                    intersections along the Cooper Street (FM157)   WB Division St. (Bowen Rd. to SH‐360)   10:28
                    Corridor.                                    10:52 (+/‐ 1 min 5 sec)
                    Implementing a connected vehicle application to   EB Pioneer Pkwy. (Green Oaks Blvd. to   12:16
                    provide signal information.                  SH‐360)
                    Installation of lightbar sensors on City    13:49 (+/‐ 1 min 23 sec)
                    construction vehicles for recognition by WAZE for   WB Pioneer Pkwy (SH‐360 to Green   13:09
                    increased public safety.                     Oaks Blvd.)
                                                                 14:12 (+/‐ 1 min 25 sec)
             The observed travel times were slightly better than last
             quarter. Timing plans in place prior to COVID‐19 were
             reinstated on several major corridors.

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